The Great Jaguar Rescue/Transcript (2024)

(Both giggling)

Diego: Hola, I'm Diego! And this is my pal, Baby Jaguar!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow!

Diego: Today, we're having a really special party! Do you like parties? Great! Because today is...

Both: Jaguar Day!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow, mreow!

Diego: On Jaguar Day, we celebrate how great jaguars are!

Baby Jaguar: Jaguar's love Jaguar Day! Especially the party at the Pyramid!

Diego: Do you see the Pyramid? Yeah, there it is! The Jaguar Day party is the greatest party of the year! Everyone loves the Jaguar Day party and we're all invited!

Baby Jaguar: But the Jaguar Party can't start until I get to the top of the Pyramid and growl my jaguar growl!

Diego: Let's all growl like a jaguar! Say...

Both: Mreow, mreow!

Diego: Louder!

Both: Mreow, mreow!

Diego: Awesome! Come on, we're all invited to the big Jaguar Party!

Both: Today is Jaguar Day! Today we celebrate! It's a time for us to say! That jaguars are so great! A jaguar can run and jump and climb! They're strong and really proud! But the thing the jaguar loves the most! Is to growl really loud!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow!

Both: The thing the jaguar loves the most!

Bobo Brothers: Bobos, Bobos! (Giggling) Bobos, Bobos! (Giggling)

Both: Is to growl really loud!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow! Mreow, mreow! Mreow, mreow!

Diego: Whoa, look! You can see Baby Jaguar's growl! Where is it going? Into the bottle?

Bobo Brothers: We got a growl! We got a growl! We got Baby Jaguar's growl in the Magic Bottle! Bobos, Bobos! Yippee! Yippee! Yahoo! Yippee!

Diego: Uh-oh!

Baby Jaguar: (Muffled growling)

Diego: Baby Jaguar, are you okay?

Baby Jaguar: Oh, no, Diego! They got my growl! They got my growl! If I can't growl, I can't start the Jaguar Party... And I love my growl, Diego!

Diego: Don't worry, Baby Jaguar! We'll get your growl back! Come on! Alicia! The Bobos took Baby Jaguar's growl!

Baby Jaguar: And they have it locked in a Magic Bottle! We've got to find it or there won't be a Jaguar Party!

Alicia: Our special camera, Click, can find Baby Jaguar's growl!

All: Say, "Click!"

Click: Say, "Click". Take a pic. Say, "Click". Take a pic. Soy Click, la camara I can take a pic I can can see and hear the animal in trouble Zoom in, through the forest and out to the sea To find the animal just call on me Say, "Click". Take a pic. Hi, I'm Click the camera. We've gotta find Baby Jaguar's growl! A Jaguar's growl sounds like this...

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow!

Click: Let's zoom through the forest and listen for the jaguar's...

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow!

Tree Frog: Ruk, ruk!

Click: Does this sound like a jaguar? No, that's a tree frog!

Tapir: Whistle, whistle!

Click: Does this sound like a jaguar? No, that's a tapir!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow!

Click: Does this sound like a jaguar? Yes, that's it! The growl's in the Magic Bottle! To take the picture of the growl say, "Click"! Got it! Now you tell Diego you found the growl.

Diego: What did you find? The growl!

Baby Jaguar: But we've got to find out where it is!

Alicia: We need to see more of the picture! We can do that if Click zooms out! Say, "Zoom!"

Diego: Look! The Bobo Brothers still have Baby Jaguar's growl and they're running to the Pyramid!

Baby Jaguar: That's where the Jaguar Party is going to be! But only if I can start it with my growl!

Diego: Come on! We've got to get Baby Jaguar's growl back!

Alicia: I'll meet you at the Pyramid! Go, Diego, go!

[Al rescate plays]

Diego: Clap your hands with me. Clap, clap, clap. (4x) Great! Let's growl for Baby Jaguar! Say, "Mreow, mreow!" (2x)

All Animals: Go, Diego, go. Vamos, Diego, vamos. Al rescate, amigos! To the rescue, my friends. (2x) Go, Diego, go. Vamos, Diego, vamos. (2x)

Diego: We've got to get to the other side of the river! But, the bridge is up!

Baby Jaguar: I can get the bridge down, Diego!

Diego: Look at Baby Jaguar go! Jaguars are great swimmers!

Baby Jaguar: Whoa!

Diego: But, the river is so wild! Baby Jaguar needs your help! Let's cheer for Baby Jaguar! Say, "Swim, Baby Jaguar!" Again! Swim, Baby Jaguar! We helped Baby Jaguar make it across the river!

Baby Jaguar: Thanks for helping me swim! Now I've got to pull on the handle to make the bridge go down! Do you see the handle? There it is! Ugh!!!

Diego: Jaguars are really great jumpers but, the handle is so high! We've got to help Baby Jaguar jump so the bridge will go down! Are you a good jumper? Great! You have to stand up to jump! Stand up! Stand up! Now jaguar jump with Baby Jaguar! Jump, jump, jump! You made it! Yeah! You jumped so high Baby Jaguar! And so did you!

Baby Jaguar: We've got to find my growl, Diego!

Diego: The Bobos Brothers were headed for the Pyramid! Do you see the Pyramid? There it is!

Baby Jaguar: But, we've got to get through that town first! Meh, meh! Aww! I really want my growl back, Diego!

Diego: We'll get it back! Come on!

Baby Jaguar: Let's go!

Diego: Everyone's getting ready to go to the Pyramid for the Jaguar Party!

Baby Jaguar: (Sniffing) Mmmm, that smells like...meat! I love to eat meat!

Diego: Baby Jaguar? Uh-oh! Baby Jaguar is gone! We've got to find him! To find Baby Jaguar, we can look for his spots! My Field Journal can help us! Each jaguar has it's own special spots! Baby Jaguar's spots look like this! We've got to match the spots so we can find him! Look! Spots! Do these spots match? No! What is that? A butterfly! Let's keep looking! Spots! Do these spots match? No! What is that? A ball! Spots! Do they match? Yes! Is it Baby Jaguar?

Baby Jaguar: Hi! Meat!

Diego: Great! You found him! And he found a chorizo!

Baby Jaguar: I love to eat meat! Gracias!

Vendor: De nada!

Baby Jaguar: Come on, Diego, we've got to get my growl back from those monkeys!

Diego: Let's go! All the jaguars are waiting for Baby Jaguar to start the party!

Baby Jaguar: But I need to growl to start the party!

Diego: Look!

Bobo Brothers: Bobos, Bobos!

Baby Jaguar: The Bobos! And they've got the Magic Bottle! They might try to take all the jaguars' growls...

Diego: And we're too far away to stop them!

Alicia: Run, jaguars, run!

Diego: It's Alicia!

Alicia: The Bobos might try to take the other jaguars' growls! Help me save the jaguars! Say, "Run, jaguars, run!" Louder!

Both: Run, jaguars, run!

Diego: The jaguars heard you and ran into the rainforest! Now their growls are safe! Good work, Alicia!

Alicia: Thanks, Diego, now go get Baby Jaguar's growl from those Bobos!

Diego: Right!

Both: To the Pyramid!

Bobo Brothers: Bobos, Bobos! Hee, hee, hee! Bobos, Bobos, Bobos! Hee, hee, hee!

Diego: Did you see where the Bobos went? In the pyramid?

Baby Jaguar: We've gotta get inside! We've gotta get inside! I don't see how we can get inside!

Diego: Don't worry, Baby Jaguar! We'll figure it out! Look! It's a little puzzle! Maybe if we solve the puzzle, the door will open!

Baby Jaguar: Cool! But it's so tiny!

Diego: My magnifying glass can help us see it! It makes the tiny pictures bigger!

Baby Jaguar: That puzzle looks hard!

Diego: Don't worry, Baby Jaguar! We can do it if we all work together! Will you help us put the puzzle together? Great! We've got to put each piece into the puzzle! Which piece goes here? Good! Which piece goes here? Right! Which piece goes here? Okay! And which piece goes here? Excelente! Look, it's a picture of an animal print! Let's count the toes in Spanish! Uno, dos, tres, cuatro! Four toes!

Baby Jaguar: We finished the puzzle! How come the door doesn't open, Diego!

Diego: Hmmm! I know! It's your paw, Baby Jaguar! A jaguar's footprint has four toes! Put your paw into the puzzle!

Baby Jaguar: Wow!

Diego: Let's go get your growl back! And then we can start the party! It's so cool in here!

Baby Jaguar: The Bobos could be anywhere!

Diego: Uh-oh! My Rescue Flashlight went out!

Baby Jaguar: That's okay, Diego! Jaguars can see in the dark!

Diego: Right! Make jaguar eyes with your hands to find the monkeys! When you see the Bobos, yell, "Bobos"!

Both: Bobos!

Baby Jaguar: There they are!

Diego: And they're climbing up the pyramid! When you see them, yell, "Bobos"!

Both: Bobos!

Bobo Brothers: Whoops!

Diego: Stay with them! There they are! We've got to stop them! To stop the Bobos, say, "Freeze, Bobos!" Louder!

Both: Freeze, Bobos!

Diego: We've got to get that bottle so Baby Jaguar can get his growl back! Look! It's coming to you! Catch the bottle! Put your hands in the air and catch it! Catch it! Catch it! You've got it! Now pull the top off...and open the bottle! Open it! Open it!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow, mreow!

Diego: Look, the growl is going back to Baby Jaguar! You did it! Now let's see if Baby Jaguar can growl! Say, "Growl, Baby Jaguar!"

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow! I can growl! I can growl! I'm so happy!

Diego: That's fantastic, Baby Jaguar! Bobos! Taking Baby Jaguar's growl was very naughty!

Bobo Brothers: We're really sorry, Baby Jaguar! We wanted to start the Big Jaguar Party with your growl! 'Cause we can't growl at all! Listen! Meow! Ooo, ooo, ooo! Ooo, ooo, ooo!

Baby Jaguar: Aww, Bobos! We can teach you how to growl!

Diego: Let's teach the Bobos how to growl! Say, "Mreow, mreow!"

Bobo Brothers: Rreow... rreow...

Diego: Almost, Bobos! Try again!

Bobo Brothers: Mreow, mreow!

Baby Jaguar: I think they've got it!

Both: Yay!

Diego: Baby Jaguar, it's time for you to start the party with your growl! Why aren't you growling, Baby Jaguar?

Baby Jaguar: Because I want all of us to growl together!

Diego: Really?

Baby Jaguar: Really!

Bobo Brothers: Yay!

Baby Jaguar: Will you growl with us to start the party? Say, "Mreow, mreow!"

Diego: Louder!

All: Mreow, mreow!

Both: One more time!

All: Mreow, mreow!

Baby Jaguar: They heard us! They heard us! All the jaguars are coming out of the rainforest!

Diego: And the people from the town are coming, too! The party is starting!

Baby Jaguar: Look, there's Alicia!

Both: Yay!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow!

Diego: We got Baby Jaguar's growl back and saved the Jaguar Party!

[Animal end song plays]

Diego: Jaguars!

Baby Jaguar: Say it with us!

All: Jaguars!

Diego: Say it louder!

Both: Jaguars!

Diego: Everybody scream!

All: Jaguars!

Diego: Excelente! They can see in the dark and swim well, too.

Baby Jaguar: And I can jump really high! Can you?

Diego: Let's show Baby Jaguar how high we can jump! You have to stand up! Stand up... Now! Jump, jump, jump, jump!

All: Jump, jump, jump!

Diego: He's strong and fast!

Baby Jaguar: And really proud! And now I can growl really loud! Growl with me! Say, "Mreow, mreow!"

All: Mreow, mreow!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow!

All: Mreow, mreow!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow!

All: Mreow, mreow! Mreow, mreow! Mreow, mreow!

Diego: Everyone is so happy at the Jaguar Party!

Alicia: This is the best Jaguar Party ever!

Baby Jaguar: Mreow, mreow!

Bobo Brothers: Mreow, mreow!

(All giggling)

Both: Mision completa! Rescue Complete!

Diego: You are great at helping animals! What do jaguars do?

Both: Let's review!

Diego: Do jaguars have spots, or no spots?

(Cursor clicks the spots)

Diego: Spots, right! Are jaguars good swimmers, or good flyers?

(Cursor clicks the swimmers)

Diego: Swimmers, right!

Baby Jaguar: Jaguars can't fly!

Alicia: Does a jaguar's paw print have two toes, or four toes?

(Cursor clicks the four toes)

Alicia: Four toes! Excelente!

Baby Jaguar: Hey, we've almost finished the puzzle!

Alicia: Do jaguars eat meat, or grass?

(Cursor clicks the meat)

Alicia: Meat, right!

Baby Jaguar: Mmm! I love to eat meat!

Diego: We solved the puzzle! It's a jaguar!

Alicia: Let's put the picture of the jaguar in our Animal Science Book, with all the other Rainforest Animals!

Diego: We learned so much about jaguars today.

Alicia: And there's so much more for us discover.

All: Together!

Diego: Hasta luego, amigos!

Alicia: See you soon!

The Great Jaguar Rescue/Transcript (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.