Super Flying Squirrel to the Rescue/Transcript (2024)

Diego: Hola, I'm Diego! I'm riding my motorcycle! It helps me get to animals in trouble super fast!

Pygmy Marmoset: Help, help, ayudenme!

Diego: Oh, no! That's sounds like an animal in trouble! We've got to get to him super fast! Say, "Vroom, vroom!" Louder! Vroom, vroom!

Pygmy Marmoset: Help, help!

Diego: It sounds like the animal in trouble is in that big tree! That's little pygmy marmoset!

Pygmy Marmoset: Help, help, ayudenme!

Diego: Look, he's falling!

Flying Squirrel: I'll save you, pygmy marmoset!

Diego: Whoa! Another animal is trying to save him! Hey, it's my friend flying squirrel!

Flying Squirrel: I'm a superhero! Soy un super heroe! Uh-oh, I don't know if I can make it! Ay, no! The marmoset's too heavy! Squeak, squeak!

Diego: We've got to catch them fast! Help me catch them! Put your hands out in front of you and catch them! Catch them! Agarrenlos! We got them!

Pygmy Marmoset: Phew, that was a close call! Thanks for catching me! Hasta luego!

Flying Squirrel: Gracias, Diego! But I really wanted to be a superhero!

Diego: Aw, you don't have to be a superhero! You're a super flying squirrel!

Super Flying Squirrel: De veras?

Diego: Yeah!

Baby Birds: Ayudenos! Help, help! Chirp, chirp!

Diego: Hey, that sounds like more animals in trouble! Our special camera, Click, can help us find the animals in trouble! Say, "Click."

Click: Say, "Click". Take a pic. Say, "Click". Take a pic. Soy Click, la camara I can take a pic I can can see and hear the animal in trouble Zoom in, through the forest and out to the sea, to find the animal just call on me! Say, "Click". Take a pic. Hi, I'm Click the camera. We need to find the animals in trouble! The animals in trouble are baby birds in a nest! Let's zoom through the forest and look for baby birds in a nest! These animals are in a nest, but are they baby birds? No, those are spectacled bears! These animals are in a nest! Are they baby birds? No, those are mice! Let's keep looking! These animals are in a nest! Are they baby birds? Yes, they are! To take a picture of the baby birds, say, "Click!" Got it! Now you tell Diego you found baby birds!

Diego: What did you find? Baby birds!

Flying Squirrel: Those baby birds are my little friends from the rainforest!

Baby Birds: Flying Squirrel, he's our friends! If he can't do it, no one can!

Diego: Wow! Flying Squirrel, those are baby birds really love you!

Flying Squirrel: And I love them, too, Diego! We've got to find out why they're in trouble!

Diego: We can do that if Click zooms out! Say, "Zoom!" Look, the baby birds' nest fell out of their tree and now they're trapped in the middle of the river!

Flying Squirrel: We've got to rescue them before the river sweeps them away!

Diego; To find out how to get there, we've got to see even more of the picture! Say, "Super zoom!" Here we are and there's the river that the baby birds are in! We have to go past the Rock Maze and through the Mountain Town to get to the baby birds!

Flying Squirrel: Diego, we've got to save them!

Diego: Right, Flying Squirrel! Will you help us save the baby birds? Awesome! Check out Super Flying Squirrel! He's super fast! Good thing we've got my motorcycle! Say, "Vroom, vroom!" (Revving engine) Come on, amigos! Let's go save the baby birds!

[Al rescate plays]

Diego: Honk the horn with me. Honk, honk, honk. (4x) Great, let's all cheer for Flying Squirrel! Say, "Flying Squirrel!" (2x)

All Animals: Go, Diego, go. Vamos, Diego, vamos. Al rescate, amigos! To the rescue my friends. (2x) Go, Diego, go. Vamos, Diego, vamos. (2x)

Diego: This road is really bumpy! Whoa! Flying Squirrel, I've got a flat tire!

Flying Squirrel: But, Diego, I need your help to save the baby birds!

Baby Birds: Flying Squirrel, Flying Squirrel! Rah, rah, rah!

Flying Squirrel: We've got to fix your motorcycle quick!

Diego: My Rescue Pack can transform into anything we need! To activate my Rescue Pack, say, "¡Activate!" Louder! ¡Activate!

All: Yo! Rescue Pack!

(Lively music plays)

Rescue Pack: I'm... Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! Al rescate! Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! I'm Rescue Pack, I got your back! I can turn into a parasail or a kayak! A zip cord, a snowboard, whatever you need! We can do it, nothing to it! I'm... Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! Al rescate! Rescue Pack! Coming to the rescue! I'm... Rescue Pack!

Rescue Pack: Yo! Rescue Pack here! Diego needs something to fix his motorcycle! Can a jump rope fix the motorcycle? No! Can a flashlight fix the motorcycle? No way! Can a big wheel fix the motorcycle? Yes, it can! So you tell Diego he needs a big wheel!

Diego: What do we need? A big wheel! Now we're ready to go! Say, "Vroom, vroom!"

(Engine revving)

Flying Squirrel: Baby birds, here we come!

Diego: Miren! The Rock Maze! We need to go through the Rock Maze to get to the baby birds! Come on! It's hard to see through all this mist! I can see, Diego, 'cause flying squirrels have super eyesight!

Diego: That's great! Flying Squirrel can help us find our way through the Rock Maze!

Snake: Hiss...!

Diego: I hear snakes!

Flying Squirrel: Diego, I'm afraid of snakes!

Diego: Don't worry! You can use your Super Flying Squirrel eyesight to look for snakes! Let's all use our Flying Squirrel eyes! Put your hands around your eyes to look like Flying Squirrel! Look, there are two paths! Which path doesn't have any snakes on it? The first path or the second path? The first path, right! We have to go this way! Whoa! More paths!

Snake: Hiss...!

Diego: Which path doesn't have any snakes on it? The first path, the second path, or the third path? The second path, right! We have to go this way!

Snake: Hiss...!

Diego: Now which path doesn't have any snakes on it? The first path, the second path, the third path, or the fourth path? The third path, right! We have to go this way! Yay! We made it through the Rock Maze and got away from the snakes! We couldn't have done it without your super eyesight, Flying Squirrel!

Flying Squirrel: Thanks, Diego!

Baby Birds: Help, help! Ayudenos! Flying Squirrel, apurate!

Flying Squirrel: Diego, that sounds like the baby birds! We'd better hurry!

Diego: Come on! Let's go save the baby birds!

Flying Squirrel: Adelante!

Diego: Super Flying Squirrel! Soaring above the ground! Many will meet him, no we can beat him! He's the coolest squirrel around! Super Flying Squirrel! Nothing can slow him down!

Sloths: Whoa!

Diego: Many will meet him, no we can beat him! He's the coolest squirrel around!

Tree Frogs: He's cool!

Diego: Look at him glide, he's zooming on by!

Flying Squirrel: To the rescue once again!

Diego: He's got super sight!

Flying Squirrel: Someday I might save you! And all of your friends!

Diego: Super Flying Squirrel!

Flying Squirrel: Trouble is where I'm found!

Diego: Many will meet him, no we can beat him! He's the coolest squirrel around!

All: He's the coolest squirrel around!

Bobo Brothers: Bobos, Bobos! Whoa-heho! Bobos, Bobos! Hee, hee, hee!

Diego: Uh-oh! That sounds like the Bobo Brothers! Those silly monkeys are always getting into trouble! Do you see the monkeys?

Bobo Brothers: Bobos, Bobos! Hee, hee, hee!

Diego: There they are! That Bobo is dressed like a clown!

Flying Squirrel: And he's jumping up and down on that circus high wire!

Diego: The line is breaking, and the Bobo could fall! We've got to help him, so he doesn't get hurt!

Bobo: Oh, no! Help!

Flying Squirrel: Diego, I'll save the clown Bobo!

Diego: Look! Super Flying Squirrel is grabbing the wire, and he's wrapping the wire around the tree super-fast! Now the wire is fixed, and the Bobo Clown won't fall!

Bobo Brothers: Bobo! Bobo! (Giggling) Super Flying Squirrel, you were very brave! You saved my Bobo Brother! Thanks, Super Flying Squirrel!

Diego: Flying Squirrel, that was awesome!

Flying Squirrel: Gracias! Diego, we've got to go super fast to rescue my buddies the baby birds!

Diego: Say, "Vroom, vroom!" We made it to the Mountain Town! Whoa! It's so crowded, I don't see Flying Squirrel! We'd better find him! We can use my Spotting Scope to look for Flying Squirrel! Put your hands around your eye to look for Flying Squirrel! Do you see Flying Squirrel?

Flying Squirrel: I'm so hungry, I can't glide anymore!

Diego: Uh-oh! We'd better find Flying Squirrel some food, so he can glide again! Flying squirrels eats nuts, so we have to find him some yummy nuts! Are these nuts? No, what is it? Ice cream, right! Flying squirrels eats nuts! Let's keep looking! Are these nuts? No, what are they? Flowers, right! Let's keep looking! Are these nuts? They are! Great!

Flying Squirrel: Gracias! Yum, yum, yum! Delicioso! I feel better already!


Flying Squirrel: And there's Diego!

Diego: Do you feel better, Flying Squirrel?

Flying Squirrel: Si, Diego! I've got lots of energy now so we can save my baby bird friends! Thanks for helping me find those yummy nuts!


Flying Squirrel: Hey, I hear something!

Diego: That's my video watch! It must be my sister, Alicia!

Alicia: Diego, the river is so wavy!

Baby Birds: The river is getting really high! Flying Squirrel will save us, he's our guy! Go, Flying Squirrel!

Alicia: The water is splashing everywhere! The baby bird nest might fall in the river!

Flying Squirrel: Diego, the baby birds are so little, they can't fly for help! They're counting on me to save them!

Alicia: Diego and Flying Squirrel, you've got to hurry!

Diego: We're on our way, Alicia! Let's go save those baby birds! Come on!

Flying Squirrel: Adelante!

Diego: Super Flying Squirrel! Nothing can slow him down! Many will meet him, no we can beat him!

Flying Squirrel: I'm the coolest squirrel around!

All: He's the coolest squirrel around!

Flying Squirrel: Mira, Diego! A big mud puddle!

Diego: My motorcycle needs to jump over the mud puddle! Say, "Vroom, vroom!" Yay!

Flying Squirrel: Look, a waterfall!

Diego: No problem, Flying Squirrel! Mi motocicleta can go through the waterfall! Say, "Vroom, vroom, vroom!"

Both: Whee!

Diego: We made it to the river!

Flying Squirrel: But, Diego, the birds are so far away!

Baby Birds: Flying Squirrel, hear our shout! We need you to help us out!

Flying Squirrel: Baby birds, I'm here! Estoy aqui!

Diego: Flying Squirrel, you can take this vine and glide it down to the baby bird's nest! Let's all help Flying Squirrel glide to the baby birds! Put your arms out to the side and glide like a flying squirrel! Ready, and glide, glide, glide, glide, glide, glide! Great job, Flying Squirrel!

Baby Bird: Me voy de aqui!

Diego: A baby bird is so scared that she's trying to get out of the nest! We have to tell her to stop! In English, we say "stop!" In Spanish, we say "para!" Say, "Para!" Para!

Baby Bird: Esta bien!

Diego: Now help me pull the nest! Put your hands out in front of you and pull, pull, pull! Again! Pull, pull, pull! Yay! The baby birds are safe!

Baby Birds: You rescued us and saved the day! You're our hero, let's say "Hooray!" Hooray! Thank you! Gracias! Flying Squirrel, you're our hero! Chirp, chirp!

Diego: And look, here are the baby birds' mami and papi!

Flying Squirrel: Yippee! We saved the baby birds!

Diego: See? You really are a super flying squirrel!

All: Yay!

[Animal end song plays]

Diego: Flying Squirrels!

Flying Squirrel: Say it with us!

Both: Flying Squirrels!

Diego: Say it louder!

Both: Flying Squirrels!

Flying Squirrel: Everybody scream!

All: Flying Squirrels!

Diego: Excelente! They can't really fly! But they glide through the sky!

Flying Squirrel: Glide with me, come on, give it a try!

Diego: Glide, glide, glide, glide, glide! He loves to eat nuts!

Flying Squirrel: My super eyes help me see!

Diego: Let's call out with the squirrel! Repeat after me! Say, "Squeak, squeak!"

Flying Squirrel: Squeak, squeak!

Diego: Squeak, squeak!

Flying Squirrel: Squeak, squeak!

Diego: Squeak, squeak!

Both: Squeak, squeak!

All: Squeak, squeak! Squeak, squeak! Yay!

Diego: You helped Super Flying Squirrel save the baby birds! Mision cumplida!

Flying Squirrel: Rescue complete!

Diego: You're great at helping animals!

Flying Squirrel: Me, too!

Diego: What do flying squirrels do?

Both: Let's review!

Alicia: Does a flying squirrel eat nuts or fish?

(Cursor clicks the nuts)

Alicia: Nuts, excelente!

Diego: Does a flying squirrel swim or glide?

(Cursor clicks the glide)

Diego: Glide, right! Does a flying squirrel dance well or see well?

(Cursor clicks the see well)

Diego: See well, correcto!

Alicia: Look, we've almost finished the puzzle! Does a flying squirrel live in the forest or the snow?

(Cursor clicks the forest)

Alicia: In the forest, right!

Diego: We solved the puzzle! That's a picture of a flying squirrel!

Alicia: Let's put the picture of the flying squirrel in our Animal Science Book, with all the other forest animals.

Alicia: We found so much about flying squirrels today.

Diego: And there's so much more for us discover.

Both: Together!

Diego: Hasta luego, amigos!

Alicia: See you soon!

Super Flying Squirrel to the Rescue/Transcript (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.