Ultimate Magic Missile Build (2024)

The best Magic Missile Build for Baldur's Gate 3. This wizard build utilizes a lot of effective offensive spells, but mainly the build revolves around Magic Missiles. The good thing is that you are also an effective caster able to learn multiple spells and use them based on the situation.


  • Magic Missile Build
    • Wizard Mechanics Disclaimer
  • Leveling Overview
  • Starting the Game - Level 1
    • Races
    • Class
    • Cantrips
    • Spells
    • Background
    • Abilities
    • Skills and Expertise
  • Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12
  • Maximizing Ability Scores
  • Potions, Elixirs and Consumables
  • Illithid Powers
  • Equipment Recommendations
    • Act 1
    • Act 2 - mid-game
    • Act 3 - Final Build setup
  • Build Mechanics
    • Important Mechanics and Combos
    • Early Game Combat
    • Late Game Combat
  • Build Variations
  • Conclusion

Magic Missile Build

The build can become effective very early on. The spell you need is learned at level 1. However, it will be somewhat weak and require some optimizations as you play the game. However, as you progress more and more items will supplement the Magic Missiles.

Of course, being a Wizard allows you to scribe spells and you can learn a lot of them. Then you can choose the ones you need based on the situation at hand. So this does not limit you to just spamming Ultimate Magic Missile Build (1)Magic Missile. You can also cast control spells like Ultimate Magic Missile Build (2)Confusion, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (3)Hypnotic Pattern, etc.

That is not all, you get the unique Ultimate Magic Missile Build (4)Empowered Evocation​ feature, that will empower spells with a bonus spellcasting modifier. This is what makes Ultimate Magic Missile Build (5)Magic Missile​ deadly in the late game. Moreover, even area-of-effect spells like Ultimate Magic Missile Build (6)Lightning Bolt, and Ultimate Magic Missile Build (7)Fireball​ will prove deadly in the end game.

The build will require multiple respecs so bear that in mind. The main reason is that for 10 levels evocation wizard does not have anything special compared to Divination.

Wizard Mechanics Disclaimer

As this build will heavily rely on Wizard, there are a few special mechanics to know before using it.

Scribing spells

One important aspect is that any spell scrolls you find can be learned. This consumes a scroll and some additional gold. As a result, the spell is added to the spellbook:

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (8)

This means that you get those spells that you do not learn leveling. Just wanted to tell you so that you would not be surprised in case the spells are talked about and I did not suggest taking it.

Preparing Spells

The second stage after you learn or scribe spells is that you can then "prepare" them. This means that you have a limited amount of spells active at a time.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (9)

This is a good thing as you can change them based on the situation outside of combat. For example, you will be fighting enemies that are weak to Fire. Just add Ultimate Magic Missile Build (10)Fireball​ or Ultimate Magic Missile Build (11)Wall of Fire​. Fighting a large group of enemies, maybe include Ultimate Magic Missile Build (12)Glyph of Warding​ or Ultimate Magic Missile Build (13)Confusion​ to disable them.

Leveling Overview

Here is a concise table with all the main picks during your leveling progression. For more detailed reasoning, I go further in the article. Also, do not forget to check the recommended gear as it is crucial.

Magic Missile Wizard Leveling Overview Ultimate Magic Missile Build (14)

1WizardSTR - 8, DEX - 16, CON - 14, INT - 17, WIS - 10, CHA - 8
Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature
Cantrips:Ultimate Magic Missile Build (15)Friends​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (16)Shocking Grasp​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (17)Fire Bolt
Spells:Ultimate Magic Missile Build (18)Magic Missile, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (19)Shield​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (20)Mage Armour​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (21)Chromatic Orb​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (22)Sleep
2WizardSubclass: Divination
Spells: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (23)Thunderwave​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (24)Enhance Leap
3WizardSpells: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (25)Cloud of Daggers​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (26)Hold Person
4WizardCantrips: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (27)Minor Illusion
Spells:Ultimate Magic Missile Build (28)Misty Step
Feat: Ability Improvement +2 Intelligence
Respec: 3 Sorcerer/2 Wizard
Subclass Sorcerer: Storm Sorcery
Spells: non-damage or utility spells.
Scribe Spells: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (29)Glyph of Warding, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (30)Fireball, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (31)Lightning Bolt
6WizardRepeat level 3-4 of Wizard
Scribe Spells: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (32)Confusion​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (33)Ice Storm​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (34)Evard's Black Tentacles
8WizardSpells: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (35)Counterspell
9WizardSpells: Any
Scribe Spells: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (36)Conjure Elemental, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (37)Cone of Cold, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (38)Hold Monster
10Respec: Wizard 10Subclass: Evocation
Feat Level 8:Ultimate Magic Missile Build (39)Dual Wielder
11WizardSpells: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (40)Chain Lightning​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (41)Globe of Invulnerability
12WizardSpells: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (42)Disintegrate​, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (43)Sunbeam
Feat: Ultimate Magic Missile Build (44)Alert

Starting the Game - Level 1

This section covers the creation screen and what would go into the best Races, Abilities, and Skills for the Magic Missile build. Some of these choices are impactful as you cannot respec them.


Picking a race provides various benefits - abilities, dialogue options, looks, etc. Also, keep in mind whether your picked race has Shield proficiency as this can improve survivability, especially in the early game.

If you are having difficulties making a choice, pick whatever you prefer in terms of looks or roleplay. "The perfect race pick" is important if you are into extreme min-maxing.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (45)Wood Half-ElfAmazing choice, thanks to its increased movement speed. Moreover, it gets Shield proficiency and boosts Armour Class.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (49)Human
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (50)Civil Militia
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (51)Human Versatility
This is one of the rare cases where I recommend this race. It complements well Bard's class with more Skill proficiencies and gets Shield Proficiency. It is a big survivability boost in the early game.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (52)Halfling
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (53)Halfling Luck
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (54)Brave
Any subrace will work. What matters is the Ultimate Magic Missile Build (55)Halfling Luck​ that will improve role-playing aspects with high roll success chances. Moreover, these will also work well later, if you will plan on using some attack roll spells.


The build starts with the Wizard class. You will want to gain some unique features before doing a first multiclass.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (56)Wizard
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (57)Arcane RecoveryProvides a way to restore spell slots with Arcane Recovery Charges.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (58)Spell SlotsThese can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.


Ultimate Magic Missile Build (59)Fire BoltAn effective fire spell, that you can also use to create explosions with fire wine or oil barrels.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (60)Shocking GraspThis cantrip can be used in melee range and disables enemy reactions allowing you to run away. A good option to have in case enemies are very close.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (61)FriendsIf you are the main character and do most of the dialogues, this is mandatory as it gives an advantage on dialogue rolls.


From the start, the Wizard can choose 6 spells. This does not mean you will use them all, but they will be added to the spellbook that you can use to prepare spells.

You will not be able to use all of these spells. They will just be added to your spellbook, where you can select Prepared Spells, which can be used by the wizard.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (62)Magic MissileRight from the start this spell is awesome. Although it does not deal huge damage, you can easily kill enemies with low HP in case you don't wish to miss it. This spell will get better as higher-tier spell slots are unlocked.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (63)Mage ArmourAmazing spell that you can use on yourself but also on party members. This will set the Armour Class to 13 if not wearing light or heavier armor. With high dexterity and a shield, this will easily reach 18.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (64)ShieldA trusty spell that can be avoided early in the game. However, at later levels, once you have more level 1 spell slots, this becomes crucial to increase your survivability and avoid being hit.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (65)LongstriderI recommend adding this spell, in case no one in your group has it. Outside combat it is free to cast and greatly improves the mobility of the whole group.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (66)Chromatic OrbIt is a very popular spell that can hit with different elements. This way you can double-damage wet targets, or pick different elements based on the situation.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (67)Ice KnifeCreates an ice surface, which can make enemies prone. Good spell early on, but loses potential at later levels.

Some other spells to consider are - Ultimate Magic Missile Build (68)Thunderwave, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (69)Sleep, Witch Bolt, Feather Fall, and Enhance Leap.


Backgrounds are mostly for role-playing and you can pick whatever you prefer. If you want to optimize, then it would be good to pick backgrounds that are based on your ability points of Intelligence.

Provides proficiency in religion that is impacted by high Intelligence.
The most relevant background for Wizard in my opinion as both skills greatly benefit from intelligence.
This option is great as it also improves Persuasion which can then be used in various dialogues.


Now let's take a look at the abilities of the Magic Missile build. Correct allocation will allow you to maximize the early gameplay and get good modifier bonuses.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (70)Strength8This build does not need strength.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (71)Dexterity16 (15+1)This plays an important role in improving armor class and increasing initiative. Going early will allow you to land damage or control spells.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (72)Constitution14Enough Constitution for better survivability and spell concentration hold.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (73)Ultimate Magic Missile Build (74)Intelligence17 (15+2)The main ability of Wizard that determines spell success chance. It will also benefit your skills related to Arcana, Religion, etc.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (75)Wisdom10Additional Wisdom to avoid any negative modifiers as many spells target this ability.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (76)Charisma8Sadly there are not many ability points left to spend here. For the main character, this could be disappointing.

Skills and Expertise

Overall, the skills should be impacted by your roleplaying and background decisions. However, you would still want those that will give you the best benefits. My recommendations are to pick those at which you have a high ability modifier and these are Intelligence-related.

  • Arcana
  • History
  • Investigation
  • Nature
  • Religion

Leveling Progression - Levels 2-12

Here is the detailed progression for the Magic Missile build to get you started. You can use it as a guideline because early games can be daunting and overwhelming. Later on, once you get a feel for the class you can start picking your options

Level 2

This is where you will have left the tutorial area, and will start exploring the world. From the get-go, Wizard gets its subclass


Although the build goal is Evocation Wizard, it only becomes effective at level 10. For this reason, it is better to Divination until then. Of course, if you are interested in the Ultimate Magic Missile Build (77)Sculpt Spells​ feature, then you can start with Evocation from level 2.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (78)Divination
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (79)PortentThe unique mechanic that allows to change dice rolls so that enemies do not avoid hit, fail saving throws, or your spells become successful.
Divination SavantDivination spells are cheaper to learn.


Ultimate Magic Missile Build (80)ThunderwaveThe spell can be used to push multiple enemies from chasms or elevation. This way they either die or get damaged. Remember, that their look will also disappear.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (81)Enhance LeapAllows increased jumping distance which is great for exploration. Works on all party members.

Prepared Spells

  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (82)Shield
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (83)Mage Armour
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (84)Magic Missile
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (85)Chromatic Orb
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (86)Thunderwave

Level 3

Finally, you get access to level 2 spells.


Ultimate Magic Missile Build (87)Hold PersonHolds person making it easy for your martials to exploit this. Only take this if you have 2 martials to exploit critical hits. Otherwise, you could delay it to a late game.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (88)Cloud of DaggersThe biggest damage spell at level 2. it damages two times - first when you cast, second after it is the enemy's turn. You could also use this as a replacement for any spells you do not use.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (89)WebExcellent spell that gives crowd control capabilities, just be sure that your allies don't step on it.

Scribing Spells Level 2

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (90)Scorching RayAn excellent single-target spell, that later could be combined with Hat of Fire Acuity for a huge Spell Save DC boost.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (92)Misty StepGives a boost to mobility and allows you to move around the battlefield with a bonus action.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (93)DarknessUseful spell especially if you have Warlock in a group with Ultimate Magic Missile Build (94)Devil's Sight. Also works extremely well with some items in later games that give Blindness immunity. This way you can create a safe zone, where enemy ranged attacks cannot reach or they miss.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (95)See InvisibilityA great spell to have for some world exploration and encounters.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (96)BlindnessA control spell that makes ranged foes useless and it does not use a Concentration slot.

Prepared Spells

  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (97)Shield
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (98)Mage Armour
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (99)Magic Missile
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (100)Chromatic Orb
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (101)Thunderwave
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (102)Cloud of Daggers

Level 4

Now, you get some other great choice picks - the first feat is unlocked.


There are a few good choices here, so pick based on your preference:

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (103)Mage HandThis is a useful spell, that allows you to summon this hand. Drop some grenades or spears near it before combat. This way it can also damage enemies. Moreover, Act 1 has some places, like Underdark where it is useful.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (104)Minor IllusionYou can use this spell before combat to gather enemies together. After that follow, up with an area of effect spell.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (105)


Ultimate Magic Missile Build (106)Scorching RayAn effective spell against single targets.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (107)Misty StepUse the spell for mobility to get to a higher ground or get away from enemies.


Ability ImprovementFor the first feat, my recommendation is +2 Intelligence, to improve spell success chance and better ability rolls.

Prepared Spells

  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (108)Shield
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (109)Mage Armour
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (110)Magic Missile
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (111)Chromatic Orb
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (112)Thunderwave
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (113)Cloud of Daggers
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (114)Misty Step

Level 5 - respec to Sorcerer Lv 3, Wizard Lv 2

Okay, here we do something unexpected, but I think necessary to get the most out of the build until level 10. You will lose prepared spells but will gain the all-powerful metamagic, which will lead you to level 10.

Keep ability points the same as Wizard, as you will still use Intelligence as a spellcasting modifier.

First, you will need to respec to a Sorcerer.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (115)Sorcerer
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (116)Spell SlotsThese can be used to cast spells and are restored each long rest.


The subclass does not matter much as we will not reach a high level with Sorcerer. For this reason, just take it for first-level features. I would recommend either Storm Sorcery or Draconic Bloodline. For this build, I will go with Storm Sorcery due to its bonus mobility.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (117)Storm Sorcery
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (118)Tempestuous MagicAfter you cast a Level 1 spell or higher you can Fly as a bonus action until the end of your turn without receiving Opportunity Attacks.

Sorcerer Features

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (119)Create Sorcery PointsSpend Spell Slots to gain Sorcery Points. Once you get some more metamagic options, you could sacrifice spell slots, to cast two spells in one turn or increase your range
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (120)Create Spell SlotSpend Sorcery Points to unlock a Spell Slot. You could create a higher tier spell slot, to increase the damage over what you can at the current level

Utilize Sorcery Points

This is a unique consumable resource for Sorcerers. These can be used for multiple use cases, that improve what the spellcaster can do:

  • Use those points to activate Metamagic like - Ultimate Magic Missile Build (121)Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ or Ultimate Magic Missile Build (122)Metamagic: Extended Spell​ to improve spell effects or cast with bonus action.
  • Create spell slots, in case an emergency arises from the available pool of Sorcery Points.
  • Create Sorcery points from spell slots to fuel your use of metamagic, for the most important spells. In the late game, you can easily sacrifice level 2 spell slots, as you will not be using them much.


Now the important part is that you only take utility cantrips, that do not deal damage. This is because Sorcerer uses Charisma as a spellcasting modifier, but we will be putting everything into Intelligence.

The offensive cantrips you can get from Wizard in the next level.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (123)FriendsIf you are the main character and do most of the dialogues, this is mandatory as it gives an advantage on dialogue rolls.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (124)Mage HandUtility spell that you can use for exploration and combat.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (125)Minor IllusionDraw NPC's attention and make them approach the summoned illusion.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (126)LightLight up an item or person.

Spells Level 1

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (127)ShieldProvides a defensive shield that can be cast as a reaction. Provides +5 Armour Class.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (128)Mage ArmourOnly take this if you did not take the Draconic Bloodline subclass.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (129)Feather FallAllows for falling from high heights and avoiding damage.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (130)Enhance LeapIncreases jumping distance.

Spells Level 2

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (131)Mirror ImageDefensive spell, that does not use a Concentration slot.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (132)Cloud of DaggersThe biggest damage spell at level 2. it damages two times - first when you cast, second after it is the enemy's turn. You could also use this as a replacement for any spells you do not use.

Class Passives

Sorcerers get access to unique actions - metamagic. They allow to consumption of sorcery points to enhance spellcasting. New metamagic options will be unlocked as we level up as you have more and more Sorcery Points. Choose two:

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (133)Metamagic: Twinned SpellSpells that only target 1 creature can target an additional creature. I would say this one is mandatory.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (134)Metamagic: Extended SpellIncreases the duration of your spells. Excellent choice for crowd control casting.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (135)Metamagic: Quickened SpellThe best choice by far. It will allow casting with Bonus Action, and double the amount of spells you can use per turn (without Haste spell). So you can easily cast two Magic Missile or other spells to eliminate multiple targets.

Utilize Metamagic

This is another powerful tool in Sorcerer's arsenal. It needs Sorcery points to work and consumes them for unique effects:

  • Use Ultimate Magic Missile Build (136)Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ to target or release two spells that have single targets. This works well with Command, Fireball, Chain Lightning, etc.
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (137)Metamagic: Quickened Spell​ allows casting with a bonus action, allowing you to cast two times without needing Haste. This is perfect for setting up combos or removing foes with two strong spells.

There are more types of metamagic, so be sure to explore them for the best combos.

Multiclass into Wizard Level 2

Multiclassing is a unique mechanic that allows taking a second, third, etc. class to gain its unique features. So for this build, you will be able to scribe spells and get sorcerer features for the time being.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (138)

So here, for 4th and 5th levels take Wizard as before, and remember to take Divination Subclass.

Multiclass only works on Balanced and higher difficulties. If playing on casual, you can change them or just continue with pure Divination Wizard until level 10.

Scribing Spells level 3

Because you are still a Wizard you can access level 3 spells. Be sure to learn them from the scrolls:

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (139)FireballThe iconic spell deals a good amount of damage in a wide area of effect.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (140)Lightning BoltA lightning spell that targets enemies in a straight line. Deals good damage which can be doubled with wet status. This can be applied by breaking a water bottle or casting a spell by a cleric or Druid.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (141)HasteTogether with Ultimate Magic Missile Build (142)Metamagic: Twinned Spell​ you could buff yourself and one ally for another action point.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (143)Hypnotic PatternA very strong crowd-control spell that targets a wide area.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (144)Glyph of WardingIt can cause damage using most elements, so if the enemy is wet, just use the Lightning/Cold element. However, the most important aspect is that it can put multiple targets to sleep. This can easily invalidate many fights.

Prepared Spells

Here are the best spells that you could add for level 5. Overall, you will still use low-level spells due low amount of spell slots.

  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (145)Magic Missile
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (146)Fireball
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (147)Lightning Bolt
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (148)Glyph of Warding
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (149)Chromatic Orb

Level 6 - Wizard Lv 3

Overall, nothing special here, just a repeat of what you did at level 3.


Take anything that is not yet accessible, as most likely you will have all the spells you need.

Level 7 - Wizard Lv 4

The same repeats again. Just be sure to pick the correct feat.


You should already have all the cantrips you need, so pick the one that you do not have access to yet. Just avoid Ultimate Magic Missile Build (150)True Strike.


Pick any level 2 spell you don't have or find interesting to try out.


Ability ImprovementFor the first feat, my recommendation is +2 Intelligence, to improve spell success chance and better ability rolls.

Scribing Spells Level 4

Because you are a Wizard you can access level 4 spells. Be sure to learn them from the scrolls:

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (151)ConfusionAn amazing spell, that can make multiple encounters very easy. Enemies may start attacking each other or even skip their turns.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (152)Evard's Black TentaclesThe spell targets the Strength ability, making it very strong against particular enemies.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (153)Ice StormIce Spell also creates ice surfaces, which can make enemies prone and skip their turns.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (154)Wall of FirePowerful fire spell, that can create choke points and damage enemies two times - on initial cast and target turn.

Prepared Spells

  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (155)Magic Missile
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (156)Fireball
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (157)Lightning Bolt
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (158)Glyph of Warding
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (159)Chromatic Orb
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (160)Confusion
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (161)Hypnotic Pattern
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (162)Ice Storm

Level 8 - Wizard Lv 5

As you already had access to level 3 spells via scroll scribing, nothing special happens now.


Pick the one spell below and for the second, anything that you prefer.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (163)CounterspellExtremely effective spell, as it can cancel enemy casters. This cannot be learnt from scrolls so be sure to take it.

Prepared Spells

  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (164)Magic Missile
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (165)Fireball
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (166)Lightning Bolt
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (167)Glyph of Warding
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (168)Chromatic Orb
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (169)Confusion
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (170)Hypnotic Pattern
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (171)Ice Storm
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (172)Counterspell

Level 9 - Wizard Lv 6

This will be the last level of Divination Wizard before jumping to Evocation Wizard. Here are the main features.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (173)Expert DivinationAllows regaining Portent dies.


Pick any spell that you would like to have. Otherwise, everything is covered for level 3 choices.

Scribing Level 5 Spells

Because you are a Wizard you can access level 5 spells. Be sure to learn them from the scrolls:

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (174)Cone of ColdAn effective ice spell that will deal double damage against wet targets.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (175)Conjure ElementalYou can summon Water Myrmidon which can wet enemies in a wide area. Follow up with lightning or ice spells for double damage.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (176)Hold MonsterHold a single monster. This disables their actions and allows your martials to exploit it for guaranteed critical hits. Only use this on high HP enemies.

Prepared Spells

  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (177)Shield
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (178)Mage Armour
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (179)Magic Missile
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (180)Misty Step
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (181)Glyph of Warding
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (182)Counterspell
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (183)Fireball
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (184)Lightning Bolt
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (185)Conjure Elemental
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (186)Ice Storm

Level 10 - respec Evocation Wizard Lv 10

Okay, here we will do a respec again. We will throw out the Sorcerer and get the Evocation Wizard to finally activate Magic Missiles

Start again with Wizard, and be sure to pick the Evocation Wizard subclass.

Subclass - level 2

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (187)Evocation
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (188)Sculpt SpellsYou avoid targeting allies with friendly fire when using area spells.
Evocation SavantEvocation spells are cheaper.

Feat - level 8

At level 8 you will gain a second feat once respeccing. Here are my recommendations:

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (189)Dual Wielderif you want to maximize Magic Missile Damage this option is mandatory in my opinion. You can stack Lightning Charges with two specific staves and greatly improve damage output.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (190)AlertIf you have more than one caster in the party, other good staves may be taken, in this case, going with a weapon and shield and getting Ultimate Magic Missile Build (191)Alert​ is a perfect choice. This almost guarantees that you go first.

Level 10 Features

As Evocation Wizard you get the main feature we need to make the Magic Missile build work.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (192)Empowered EvocationYour evocation spells get a damage bonus from the spellcating modifier which is Intelligence. With Ultimate Magic Missile Build (193)Magic Missile​ you can stack this up, for some big numbers.


Pick any spells that you have not yet scribed. Be sure to have Ultimate Magic Missile Build (194)Conjure Elemental​ for Water Myrmidon.

Level 11 - leveling options

And here I come again with more decisions. Here you can again multiclass into different classes, or continue with Wizard. Overall, this will not make a huge difference in the grand scheme of Magic Missile Build.

By multiclassing, you will have to respec again. The main problem is that your Wizard class has to be the last multiclass so that items and scrolls use the correct spellcasting modifier - intelligence.

Let me go through the options

  • Tempest Cleric - if you are a fan of lightning spells, this subclass is all you need. You get access to Ultimate Magic Missile Build (195)Create Water​ and most importantly Ultimate Magic Missile Build (196)Destructive Wrath​ which maximizes Lightning damage. You can easily pull off 200+ damage with Ultimate Magic Missile Build (197)Chain Lightning.
  • Sorcerer - 2 levels of Sorcerer are not much. You will get some spells like Ultimate Magic Missile Build (198)Shield​ which will save spell slots. You also can access Ultimate Magic Missile Build (199)Metamagic: Twinned Spell, to cast double Ultimate Magic Missile Build (200)Chain Lightning​ or other spells like Ultimate Magic Missile Build (201)Disintegrate.
  • Wizard - continue with Wizard. This will give access to the third feat, which is a good choice. Most likely it will be Ultimate Magic Missile Build (202)Alert, more or less guaranteeing that you go first.

For the guide's simplicity, I will be going with Wizard. Taking the other two may be better for damage, but at this stage the build already destroys enemies, and going first with Ultimate Magic Missile Build (203)Alert​ just emphasizes that.

Accessing Artistry of War

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (204)Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War​ is an upgraded version of Magic Missiles, that only Wizard can learn. It is accessed through Sorcerous Sundries in Lower City, Act 3.

Once there go to the second floor, unlock the locked door, and look for Clasped Book. Interacting with it will open a portal. You will need to enter the secret Vault, where you obtain Red Knight's Final Stratagem. After reading it you will get Scroll of Artistry of War. Do not use it, but scribe it with Wizard.


There are a lot of good spells but for now, pick two. The rest can be learned via scribing.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (205)Chain LightningThe ultimate damage spell, that works extremely well with Wet enemies. You probably already have Ultimate Magic Missile Build (206)Conjure Elemental, so this combo can be done with Water Myrmidon.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (207)Globe of InvulnerabilityA good spell that gives invulnerability to anyone who stands in it. Useful in many of the late-game encounters, especially if it's your first playthrough.

Scribing Level 6 Spells

Besides the spells that you picked, here are a few more that I recommend scribing to get access as soon as possible. You will also get two more spells at level 12.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (208)Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of WarThis can be obtained in the Sorcerous Sundries vault. Only Wizard can scribe it. It is an upgraded version of the Ultimate Magic Missile Build (209)Magic Missile​ spell.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (210)Otto's Irresistible DanceThis spell is guaranteed to activate. However, it can be canceled on the next turn if enemies pass the saving throw check.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (211)SunbeamA very cost-efficient spell that blinds targets and can be recast each turn without expending the spell slot. It is extremely powerful in one Act 3 encounter.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (212)Arcane GateUseful spell to have in some encounters.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (213)Wall of IceThe most powerful Ice spell, use it together with Wet status.

Prepared Spells

  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (214)Shield
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (215)Mage Armour
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (216)Magic Missile
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (217)Glyph of Warding
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (218)Chain Lightning
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (219)Globe of Invulnerability
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (220)Confusion
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (221)Fireball
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (222)Lightning Bolt
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (223)Ice Storm
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (224)Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War

Level 12

This is the final level of Magic Missile Build, overall you should have everything covered by now, so it is only minor optimizations.


These are the last two spells that you can pick. You will probably have everything learned by this time that you need. So just take anything:

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (225)DisintegrateThe spell is a strong single target killer and almost no enemies are resistant to this damage type.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (226)SunbeamDeadly spell against some enemies that are weak to light and radiant damage. Sunbeam can be recast as long as you maintain Concentration.


Here I will repeat the feats from level 8, as you should be picking one of them.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (227)Dual WielderRecommended option if you did not take it, and have free staves to equip
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (228)AlertMy recommended choice. Going first will guarantee that you can either remove key targets or cast a Control spell.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (229)LuckyEnables you to reroll dice with an advantage, and can be used to make a spell successful if it fails.

Maximizing Ability Scores

Now, as the build progression is covered there are a few aspects and important decisions you will have to make throughout the game. These will decide your final score for abilities.

  1. Act 1 - Auntie Ethel Hair - you will want to get +1 Intelligence if you pick this choice.
  2. Act 3 - Mirror of Loss - pick +2 Intelligence.

This will allow you to reach 22 natural Intelligence, and result in a +6 ability modifier on your spells and rolls.

Potions, Elixirs and Consumables

Let's take a look at what consumables we can use to further empower the build.


These are general consumables, and most of them are activated for a few turns. Potions are separate from Elixirs and can be active together.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (230)Potion of SpeedIn case you or your other casters have a Concentration spell slot taken and cannot cast Haste, use this potion. It acts similarly, but the effect is just for 3 turns.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (231)Potion of Animal SpeakingAlthough not something powerful, it is worth stocking up and saving a spell slot.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (232)Potion of InvisibilityCan be used to get a perfect position before the encounter starts.


Unfortunately, only one Elixir can be active at a time. However, the good thing is that they last until a long rest, making them very useful and economical.

Be sure to activate them before combat as otherwise, you will need to use Bonus Action.

Remember to activate one elixir after each Long Rest. These are found plentiful throughout the game, so don't save them too much.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (233)Elixir of BloodlustYou gain additional action by killing an enemy. This is one of the best options that you can use. Ultimate Magic Missile Build (234)Magic Missile​ can easily guarantee you a kill, which you can follow up with more spells.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (235)Elixir of Battlemage's PowerGain 3 stacks of Arcane Acuity. I would say this should be the most used Wizard elixir for higher spell success.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (236)Elixir of Peerless FocusAnother good choice, particularly once you start using Spirit Guardians and control spells.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (237)Superior Elixir of Arcane CultivationGrant's a single level 3 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (238)Supreme Elixir of Arcane CultivationGrant's a single level 4 spell slot. Could be useful in case you are preparing for a longer encounter.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (239)Elixir of VigilanceFor some encounters, you will want to go first. This elixir will ensure that it overcomes even surprise mechanics. However, if you have Ultimate Magic Missile Build (240)Alert​ this becomes redundant.

Illithid Powers

This special mechanic in Baldur's Gate 3 allows you to consume tadpoles and unlock special Illithid Powers. These range from somewhat useful, to extremely deadly. I would like to leave a few recommendations:

Base Illithid Powers

OrderIllithid PowerDescription
1Ultimate Magic Missile Build (241)Favourable BeginningsVery useful power to take as it does not have any costs, and provides only benefits on the first hits.
3Ultimate Magic Missile Build (242)Concentrated BlastTaking only for progression, to unlock the next power.
4Ultimate Magic Missile Build (243)Cull the WeakPassive feature that does not cost anything and automatically deals bonus psychic damage around the target, once it is close to death.
5Ultimate Magic Missile Build (244)Transfuse HealthTaking it for progression
6Ultimate Magic Missile Build (245)Shield of ThrallsTaking for progression, to unlock the next power, but it also provides a good bonus as temporary health, that can be cast before combat.
7Ultimate Magic Missile Build (246)Force TunnelMainly taking for progression
8Ultimate Magic Missile Build (247)DisplaceMainly taking for progression

Elite Illithid Powers

These become unlocked later in the game as you progress. They are extremely powerful additions to the build.

OrderIllithid PowerDescription
1Ultimate Magic Missile Build (248)FreecastRemoves any cost of spell slots or consumable resources
2Ultimate Magic Missile Build (249)Black HoleAmazing power, that pulls enemies together and slows them. After that, you can follow up with Fireball, Fear, etc.
3Ultimate Magic Missile Build (250)Psionic DominanceYou can use this similarly to Counterspell, and disable enemy spell.
4Ultimate Magic Missile Build (251)Illithid ExpertiseExpertise in bonus skills from this power is not mandatory as Bard already covers most of these.
6Ultimate Magic Missile Build (252)Mind SanctuaryExtremely valuable power that can also help other casters to use up their Bonus action effectively.

Equipment Recommendations

Now I would like to go through some gear recommendations to maximize the Magic Missile Build. Items are especially important as they take the build to the next level thanks to their unique effects.

Act 1

For the game to begin, you will want to obtain The Spellsparkler, as it will give a big boost to Ultimate Magic Missile Build (254)Magic Missile​ damage. This can be done easily at level 3.

Besides that, it is normal caster progression. Be sure to equip a shield if you can.

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (255)Melee (One - Handed)The SpellsparklerThis is the best stave that you can use for Magic Missile Build. Each attack will stack Lightning Charges for bonus damage.
Melf's First StaffThis is the best item that you can use in Act 1. It improves your spell success chance.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (258)RangedBow of AwarenessGives bonus initiative, allowing one to go earlier in combat
Hand Crossbow +1Equip two of these so that you can attack with your bonus action. This is an amazing weapon as you can use bonus action to break water bottles to apply wet.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (261)ShieldAdamantine ShieldIt provides a substantial defensive boost by reducing critical hit damage.
Safeguard ShieldGives a bonus to saving throws, easily accessible early in the game.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (264)HeadThe Shadespell CircletThe best headwear in Act 1. Just be sure to be obscured if you can.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (266)CloakThe Deathstalker MantleThe only option in Act 1 that is okay, is by providing once-per-turn invisibility. Only available to Dark Urge origin.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (268)ArmorThe Protecty SparkswallBest clothing for caster in Act 1.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (270)GlovesGloves of Belligerent SkiesThese gloves work very well with Lightning charges from The Spellsparkler. Later on, you will get another ring that will give even more Reverbation stacks.
Bracers of DefenceDecent early-game gloves that give good armor class, in case you do not have Shield proficiency.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (274)BootsBoots of Stormy ClamourThese are not the best boots, but they are good, especially if you use other spells that apply conditions besides Ultimate Magic Missile Build (276)Magic Missile.
The WatersparkersVery effective boots, that allow you to have 3 Lightning Charges, before you initiate combat. Just dorp water bottle, attack with offhand to break it. It will electrify water and you can deal more damage from the get-go.
Evasive ShoesGreat shoes that give bonus armor class. I recommend these if you cannot wear a shield.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (279)AmuletPsychic SparkThe best amulet for Magic Missile Build until Act 3. It gives additional missiles and you can cast a level 1 spell, to save some slots for each long rest.
Pearl of Power AmuletRestore up to level 3 spell slot. Can be unequipped after use.
Amulet of Misty StepGives mobility improvement thanks to the Ultimate Magic Missile Build (283)Misty Step​ spell.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (284)RingsRing of Absolute ForceThis ring works very well with Reverbation as it will improve its Thunder damage.
Ring of ProtectionThe best option for Act 1. The bonus Armour Class is a great boost for survivability.

Act 2 - mid-game

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (287)Melee (One-handed)The SpellsparklerStill the best Staff for Magic Missile Build
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (289)RangedNe'er MisserThis crossbow will give you a free cast of Level 3 Ultimate Magic Missile Build (291)Magic Missile. If you equip it be sure to use it with Hand Crossbow +1 in the offhand.
Darkfire ShortbowAmazing bow that allows to precast Haste before combat. This may not seem big as you can use Potion of Speed, but sometimes its short duration is not enough.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (294)ShieldKetheric's ShieldThe best shield there is for a caster.
Adamantine ShieldIt provides a substantial defensive boost by reducing critical hit damage.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (297)HeadHat of Fire AcuityThis hat is the best option if you will take Ultimate Magic Missile Build (299)Scorching Ray​ from Magical Secrets. Otherwise, you can skip it.
Fistbreaker HelmImproves spell success chance and increases the likelihood of going first.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (301)CloakThunderskin CloakAs you will be constantly applying Reverbation, this cloak is amazing and allows Dazing enemies who dare to attack you.
Cloak of ProtectionImproves survivability and Saving Throw success.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (304)ArmorThe Protecty SparkswallStill the best option even in Act 2. This requires Lightning Charges, to unlock full potential.
Robe of Exquisite FocusAnother robe that gives +1 Spell Save DC.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (307)GlovesGloves of Belligerent SkiesIn Act 2 these will also work extremely well with Callous Glow Ring.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (310)BootsBoots of Stormy ClamourCan apply reverbation with spells causing conditions.
Boots of Arcane BolsteringThese boots can give a huge damage boost. However, this will require some preparation and getting close to enemies to receive Threaten status. Check the combat section below for how to utilize it. If you want to avoid complicated setups check other options.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (313)AmuletPsychic SparkStill the best amulet to use for optimal Ultimate Magic Missile Build (315)Magic Missile​ damage.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (316)RingsCallous Glow RingAmazing ring, that works well with this build. You will get bonus Reverbation stacks while wearing Gloves of Belligerent Skies. Moreover, be sure to cast illumination spells like Ultimate Magic Missile Build (319)Light​ or Ultimate Magic Missile Build (320)Daylight​ on yourself or your enemies so that they will be illuminated. Or have someone with an illuminated weapon close.
Ring of Absolute ForceThis ring will be even more powerful as you can apply Reverbation stacks faster with the Callous Glow Ring.
Coruscation RingThis ring is amazing if you do not care about maximum damage. You can debuff enemies with Radiant Orbs, and decrease their attack rolls.

Act 3 - Final Build setup

This is the last act of the game, where you will get access to the most powerful items. To get them as early as possible you will need some planning, but overall, it should not be a problem.

There are two main setups that I see, that I would like to cover with weapons:

Now, for the other equipment:

Ultimate Magic Missile Build (324)Melee (One - Handed)Markoheshkir
The best caster staff in the game (well, almost the best). This fits the build extremely well and you can use Kereska's Favour to activate Bolts of Doom. This enables you to generate Lightning Charges so you can take off The Spellsparkler. Moreover, you gain access to Ultimate Magic Missile Build (327)Chain Lightning​ and Ultimate Magic Missile Build (328)Lightning Bolt​ each short rest.
RhapsodyThe second-best weapon for Magic Missile build. It requires you to kill 3 enemies (this can be done by taking out some guards) which buffs up each Missile with a flat 3 damage bonus. Moreover, it improves Spell Save DC for other spells.
The SpellsparklerIn case for some reason you do not have access to one of the weapons below, this staff will still serve its purpose.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (331)RangedHellrider Longbow
Gives a big boost to the initiative, guaranteeing that you can go first. However, you will need to get Longbow proficiency from race.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (333)HeadHood of the WeaveThe hood gives solid +2 Spell Save DC, greatly improving spell success chance.
Hat of the Sharp CasterIf you want to maximize the damage of Ultimate Magic Missile Build (336)Magic Missile​ this hat helps with that. However, do not expect huge numbers, it's less than 10% per missile. For Ultimate Magic Missile Build (337)Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War​ it's even less.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (338)CloakCloak of The WeaveImprove Spell Save DC by one, the best option for a direct increase in build effectiveness.
Cloak of Displacement
Improves the chances of attacks missing the wearer until getting hit for that turn.
Thunderskin CloakAs you will be constantly applying Reverbation, this cloak is amazing and allows Dazing enemies who dare to attack you.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (342)ArmorArmour of Landfall
As a caster that heavily relies on Concentration spells, this is probably the best armor to wear. The Constitution saving throw advantage is more than awesome.
Robe of the WeaveThe best clothing for caster. It not only improves spellcasting but also provides a +2 Armour Class.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (345)GlovesGloves of Belligerent SkiesUse this to stack Reverbation from lightning, thunder, and radiant damage.
Gauntlet of the TyrantAnother option in Act 3, also gives a level 3 Command spell for each Long Rest. The gloves provide +1 Spell Save DC,
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (348)BootsBoots of Arcane BolsteringStill the best boots, if you are not lazy of doing all the setups.
Boots of Stormy ClamourCan apply reverbation with spells causing conditions.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (351)AmuletAmulet of Elemental Torment
Although this would be best in slot amulet, it can be irritating to activate. You will need Fire surfaces to utilize the bonus damage.
Amulet of The DevoutThe +2 Spell Save DC is a huge boost, giving a large success improvement for spells.
Spellcrux AmuletRestores up to level 6 spell slots. After using it, you can unequip it for another amulet.
Ultimate Magic Missile Build (355)RingsCallous Glow RingThe ring still stands on top for improved damage and applying Reverbation stacks.
Ring of Absolute ForceImproves burst damage from 5 Reverbation stacks by 1.
Coruscation RingIf you are more keen on debuffing enemy attack rolls, use this one.

Build Mechanics

In this section, I would like to dive deep into how to play the Magic Missile Build. This will help you utilize it to the fullest and correctly use various actions and spells throughout the game.

Important Mechanics and Combos

The build is very versatile, allowing one to take full control of enemy actions.

Wet + Lightning and Cold Spells

I think this is the most important mechanic to learn in Baldur's Gate 3 for caster. It is very easy to set up and can guarantee you easy wins for most encounters.

The first step is to apply water here are some options for how to do that:

  • Have a Cleric or Druid Cast Ultimate Magic Missile Build (359)Create or Destroy Water
  • Storm Sorcerer gets access to Ultimate Magic Missile Build (360)Create or Destroy Water​ at level 6
  • Throw Water bottle
  • Have Ultimate Magic Missile Build (361)Conjure Elemental​ to summon Water Myrmidon and apply Ultimate Magic Missile Build (362)Healing Vapours.
  • The easiest, drop the water bottle on the ground and destroy it with an attack (an offhand attack with bonus action is perfect for that

Once the enemy is wet, they will become vulnerable to Ice and Lightning damage. This means you deal double the amount. After this follow up with your favorite spell - Ultimate Magic Missile Build (363)Chain Lightning, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (364)Lightning Bolt, Ultimate Magic Missile Build (365)Cone of Cold, etc.

Expeditious Retreat bonus damage

With the Boots of Arcane Bolstering, you can further boost your magic Ultimate Magic Missile Build (367)Magic Missile​ damage. This is in a sense somewhat easy and hard. It's easy because you only need to activate one level 1 spell and use a bonus action to Dash.

The hard part becomes remembering this and not forgetting to cast another spell to break the concentration. Overall, if you can do this setup, the damage boost is amazing.

What you need to do:

  1. Cast Ultimate Magic Missile Build (368)Expeditious Retreat​ before combat.
  2. During combat activate a special Dash from the side hotbar, that uses bonus action.
  3. Make sure the enemy is Threatened, this can be easily achieved by moving your ally close to them.
  4. Release the Ultimate Magic Missile Build (369)Magic Missile​ for a good damage boost.

This is somewhat tedious and I did not use it much myself. Of course, if I knew a difficult encounter was coming, I would do this.

Phalar Aluve bonus damage

Want to take damage even further? Then you can utilize your group members, usually clerics to go close to the enemies and activate Phalar Aluve: Shriek. Each Ultimate Magic Missile Build (370)Magic Missile​ will deal a bonus 1d4 thunder damage, increasing damage output even further.

Elemental Torment

This is the last improvement to do to maximize your Ultimate Magic Missile Build (371)Magic Missile​ damage. In Act 3 you can obtain Amulet of Elemental Torment. With it, you can further add 1d4 fire damage to each missile.

The setup can be done in multiple ways:

  • Walk on a fire surface from a spell like Ultimate Magic Missile Build (373)Fireball​ or some explosive grease.
  • Use Alchemist's Fire consumable. First, drop it on the ground and then destroy it with offhand attack.

If you are not lazy with this setup this is another 2.5 average damage bonus on each missile.

Early Game Combat

Let's cover how you should progress combat levels 1-6.

  • Very early in the game, you will not have many big damage-dealing spells. Ultimate Magic Missile Build (374)Sleep​ is an effective option for dealing with single targets. Use this until level 4-5.
  • Remember to cast Ultimate Magic Missile Build (375)Mage Armour​ after a Long rest, it's a big survivability boost for a caster.
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (376)Magic Missile​ becomes very effective after obtaining The Spellsparkler. Overall you should use it if you want a guaranteed finish of the enemy or multiple enemies with a few HP. They will also get greatly empowered with Gloves of Belligerent Skies in terms of damage.
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (379)Cloud of Daggers​ is a very effective damage spell at level 3. Use it to hit multiple enemies multiple times.
  • Wet status from Ultimate Magic Missile Build (380)Create Water​ or Water Bottle + Ultimate Magic Missile Build (381)Lightning Bolt​ almost guarantees a win in the encounter. You can do this from level 5.
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (382)Glyph of Warding​ can be used to put multiple enemies to sleep. This is especially effective if you know that your other area of effect spells will not be enough to effectively damage targets.
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (383)Hold Person​ is a great spell, but I only recommend using it if you have an 80% success chance, otherwise, it is not worth risking the whole action point.

Late Game Combat

The Magic Missile Build comes online at about level 10. This is when you get Ultimate Magic Missile Build (384)Empowered Evocation​. As a Wizard you can cast various damage and control spells, but I will mainly emphasize Ultimate Magic Missile Build (385)Magic Missile​ usage:

  1. Check the Combo section on how to maximize the Ultimate Magic Missile Build (386)Magic Missile​ and Ultimate Magic Missile Build (387)Curriculum of Strategy: Artistry of War​ damage. The latter is an upgraded version and I recommend using it on stronger enemies that have at least 100 HP.
  2. For good damage, Gloves of Belligerent Skies, Markoheshkir, Callous Glow Ring already ensure that you deal high damage. With further optimizations, you can reach some big numbers.
  3. Make sure you have a Ultimate Magic Missile Build (391)Light​ spell on yourself or ally with a shining weapon to illuminate enemies. This way you will deal a bonus 2 Radiant damage from Callous Glow Ring.
  4. Before combat, I recommend activating Ultimate Magic Missile Build (393)Expeditious Retreat​ so that you can use bonus action in combat to activate Arcane Synergy for bonus damage.
  5. And you are ready to launch your missiles!

Here are some other tips that I think are helpful in general for Wizard.

  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (394)Sleet Storm​ is an amazing spell, if you have Warlock or Bard, use it together with Ultimate Magic Missile Build (395)Hunger of Hadar​ to disable a large group of enemies.
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (396)Ice Storm​ is a great spell to create ice surfaces and does not require concentration.
  • You can summon Water Myrmidon with Ultimate Magic Missile Build (397)Conjure Elemental​. Use it together with Markoheshkir for Ultimate Magic Missile Build (399)Chain Lightning​ double damage. This will clear multiple enemies making most encounters a cakewalk.
  • If you are fighting a boss first time, I recommend Ultimate Magic Missile Build (400)Globe of Invulnerability​. This will greatly reduce risks and allow you to evaluate the encounter, before jumping into offensive combat.
  • Ultimate Magic Missile Build (401)Confusion​ is an amazing spell, that can be cast on the first turn. I recommend using it if you see multiple enemies bunched up together. This way all of them get affected and they can start fighting each other.

Build Variations

There are a few variations that the build could be changed about. I think it is more for advanced players who are likely doing some deeper optimizations.

  • 2 Lv Cleric
  • 10 Lv Wizard
This can be an extremely strong setup, especially if you take Tempest Domain Cleric. It can maximize Ultimate Magic Missile Build (402)Chain Lightning​ damage, using Ultimate Magic Missile Build (403)Destructive Wrath​. Apply Wet, and you will see damage of up to 200 per target. You also gain heavy armor and shield proficiency, but this is optional in the late game.
  • 12 Lv Wizard
This is what I covered in the build, and it gives access to the third Feat.
  • 2 Lv Sorcerer
  • 10 Lv Wizard
By going with Sorcerer you can obtain Saving Throw proficiency for Constitution. This allows you to better maintain Concentration. Moreover, you get metamagic, allowing you to double cast spells like Ultimate Magic Missile Build (404)Chain Lightning​ and Ultimate Magic Missile Build (405)Disintegrate​.


Thank you for reading the Magic Missile build for Baldur's Gate 3. It is a unique setup that exploits two spells, similar to homing missiles - which never miss. The build uses Wizard class due to Ultimate Magic Missile Build (406)Empowered Evocation​. The post should help you with correct leveling setup and gear pickups.


Ultimate Magic Missile Build (2024)
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