The Phantom Fable/Transcript (2025)

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< The Phantom Fable

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  • Steven: Okay, here it comes! Nice job, Connie!
  • Connie: Thanks! I think I've got the timing down!
  • Steven: I wonder if this is how the Gems used to train?
  • Connie: What do you mean?
  • Steven: I dunno... It's just the more that happens, the more I wish I knew more stories about Gems. BOOOKS!
  • Connie: Wow, it looks so...old.
  • Steven: Hmmm...
  • Connie: Steven, this book, I think it's alive...
  • Steven: Come on, we gotta tell the Gems! Guys guys guys!
  • Pearl: Oh, hello, you two! How was your morning training?
  • Steven: Listen! *panting* Listen... Lion... Threw up... Book...
  • Connie: Steven, I told you four Dog-Nuts before training was a bad idea!
  • Steven: *panting* I regret nothing.
  • Pearl: Were you going to show us something?
  • Connie: Lion gave us an interesting book, ma'am!
  • Pearl: No, no... It can't possibly be...
  • Amethyst: Great, it's a book. Is it gonna bore us to death? Yuh-oh...
  • Connie: Huh?
  • Garnet: Steven, Connie! Get away from it!
  • Pearl: Oh, Rose! Tell me you didn't--!
  • Garnet: Steven, find Lapis--!
  • Steven: No, please, come back! No way! The Book... ate them?
  • Connie: Garnet said find Lapis. Maybe she knows what to do?
  • Peridot: Look, it's Steven! He's gonna love our newest Meep Morp!
  • Lapis: Hello, Steven. What... What's the matter?
  • Steven: Guys, the Crystal Gems, they got swallowed into the pages of this old book!
  • Lapis: Swallowed into... That's impossible, Steven.
  • Peridot: Oh, I know! It's one of their Earth games. I believe it is called "hide and go look for."
  • Steven: It's true, Lapis! Garnet told me you could help before she... She... Well, look!
  • Lapis: (Gasps)
  • Peridot: wait, what?
  • Lapis: That's... It can't be! Those books were all destroyed thousands of years ago! Steven, whatever you do, keep the book restrained or it will find pages for us too!
  • Steven: What is it? What did it do to the others?
  • Lapis: These books were used to record moments in time within their pages and allow those moments to be re-lived. But the Books became willful and dangerous, manipulating the memories and consuming whomever they wanted.
  • Connie: The Gems! We've got to help them!
  • Lapis: There's only one way to get the Crystal Gems back... Someone would have to find their chapters and help them relive the tale.
  • Steven: Relive the tale? We have to try!
  • Lapis: Peridot and I will stay at the Barn and try to learn everything we can about the book.
  • Peridot: Yes! We will! ...From a safe distance, of course.
  • Connie: Right! Let's find the Book's chapters! They couldn't have gone far!
  • Peridot: In searching for the Chapters that consumed the Gems, I'd say asking around Beach City would be a good place to start.
  • Mayor Dewey: Hooligans! Good-for-nothings!
  • Steven: What's the problem, Mayor Dewey?
  • Mayor Dewey: See this poster here? I've placed them all over town but someone keeps vandalizing them! "Mayor Doofy." It's not even witty! I don't have time for this! Please, do your civic duty and remove the vandalized papers!
  • Connie: Kinda busy, Mr. Mayor...
  • Mayor Dewey: Thanks, kids! And remember to vote Dewey!
  • Steven: You can count on us! Hey, Onion!
  • Onion:!!!
  • Steven: Your... your PALS have gone MISSING?! That's terrible!
  • Onion: ...!
  • Steven: Hmm. Well... I guess that it wouldn't hurt to keep our eyes open for any that we find.
  • Onion: ...
  • Lars: The Big Donut's closed today. The fridge's broke so a bunch of stuff spoiled. Isn't it great? Guess I've got the day off. Say... *ahem* You know those Crying Breakfast Friends?
  • Steven: Of course! I took an online survey to see which one I am. I'm Sniffing Croissant!
  • Lars: Yeah, yeah, keep your voice down! I'm trying to collect all of the Crying Breakfast Friends Cereal prizes. I'd buy some boxes myself but I don't exactly want everyone to know I'm into a kid's show. Anyways, so far all I've gotten are Glum Glass and Spilled Milk. Help me find the rest and I'll give you something cool.
  • Steven: Sure, we'll keep our eyes open. Ronaldo-- Have you seen any pages--
  • Ronaldo: Not now! There's no time! I have it on good authority that a MONSTER is stalking the streets of Beach City at this very moment!
  • Steven: Ugh. Come on, Steven. Let's go.
  • Ronaldo: I'm serious! I think it took Peedee!
  • Steven: What... what kind of monster?
  • Ronaldo: I don't know! Werewhale, Mothman -- I have several theories! I've got to get the word out on the KBCW site, if you find any clues, come back to me! I'll make it worth your while. I have something strange and alien that I've never shared with anyone, not even the internet! Help me find my brother and it's yours!
  • Steven: We'll find him, don't worry!
  • Greg: Hey kiddos! How're you enjoying this fine morning?
  • Steven: Dad, you won't believe what happened!
  • Connie: Mr. Universe! We found an ancient book that swallowed the Gems!
  • Steven: Yeah! It sucked them into these pages and then they flew off into the city!
  • Greg: Huh... Pages like these here?
  • Steven: That's Pearl!
  • Greg: Really? They just flew under the van when I was polishing the tires.
  • Steven: Pearl's trapped in those pages and we've got to save her! It's all my fault, Dad! There's this book and I tried to show the Gems and it --
  • Greg: Son, if there's one thing I know, it's thing you'd never put your friends in danger on purpose.
  • Steven: I need to get them back. I have to!
  • Greg: I know. Save your friends... just be careful. You know... maybe I'll head to the barn. I gotta go through some of Uncle Andy's old stuff.
  • Steven: Okay! See ya, Dad! Pearl!
  • Pearl: Steven, stay back!
  • Connie: We can help!
  • Steven: Pearl, are you okay?
  • Pearl: I can't believe Rose kept it!
  • Steven: Kept what?
  • Pearl: This horrible book!
  • Steven: You knew she had it?
  • Pearl: No! Well, I don't know... I always wondered. At the end of the rebellion, the Homeworld forces fled Earth. In their haste they left many things behind. Among the remains of an abandoned outpost, Rose and I found it. We heard the stories, so ancient even Gems considered them to be nothing more than legends. She bubbled it and promised to take care to it... Well, I guess we've no choice. We must see what the book wants us to see.
  • Steven: Hey, it's another Pearl!
  • Pearl: Stop. Don't go near her.
  • Steven: Why...why not?
  • Pearl: Pearls are servants. She should not be here alone. Where is her master?
  • Connie: ...She doesn't seem to be doing *anything.*
  • Steven: Yeah, she just seems bored. Like she's waiting.
  • Lonely Pearl: *sighs*
  • Steven: She's leaving...
  • Pearl: Let's follow her...from a safe distance. Hm. Perhaps I can throw my spear over there. Steven, do you see those torches? It's possible to imbue my spear with elemental properties. Maybe we could use the fire to clear a path.
  • Connie: Wow. What's with this giant tree? Look, it's that Pearl!
  • Lonely Pearl: You said you would come back for me... I've lost track of how long that was.
  • Steven: She's all alone? That's so sad... It's the Gem, let me read it. *Ahem* It says... "Research outpost Nine, head Epistolary. Progress on the last Tome has been halted until further notice, by order of the Authority. "I don't understand. Perhaps the Diamonds are concerned about the Tome's apparent...willfulness." "But how did the Authority find out about the Tomes in the first place? If there's a traitor among the Pearls I will be displeased." It's another log entry. "We are abandoning this facility. Work on the Tomes has been halted indefinitely." "I believe this to be the cause of one of the servants, who has poisoned the Authority against the research here." "An example must be made." "She will be left here, sweeping dust and swatting at moths, awaiting a return that will never come." "A traitor deserves nothing less." ...It ends there.
  • Steven: They... They left her here?
  • Connie: That poor Pearl! I don't see her anywhere. I haven't seen her since we entered the Library, come to think of it.
  • Pearl: Look out! No...
  • Steven: It's her. She...was the monster?
  • Lonely Pearl: Heh... You finally came back... for me?
  • Pearl: No! Wait...!
  • Steven: Pearl... I--
  • Pearl: She was just here. Discarded like an object. Like a thing. This is Homeworld treats us Pearls. The always have.
  • Connie: Pearl, I'm so sorry... They were wrong about you, and about her. A Pearl taught me that I can be as strong as I choose to be.
  • Pearl: Connie...
  • Connie: ...?
  • Pearl: You did very well.
  • Connie: ...Thank you, maam.
  • Peridot: Pearl, welcome back! Hey, you okay? You look kinda crumpled?
  • Pearl: I'm... Yes, I'm fine now that I'm out of there. We met a Pearl. One who had been left alone for a long time. I'm grateful to Steven and Connie for helping me escape. Were I forced to suffer the same fate as her...
  • Steven: It's okay, Pearl! You're safe now!
  • Greg: Hey Schtu-ball! Wow, so that book really did grab the Gems, huh?
  • Steven: Right, and we've gotta save them!
  • Greg: Well, if you need anything, I'll be here. That goes for you too, Ms. Maheswaran.
  • Pearl: The books were known to manipulate the truth, but it felt so real.
  • Peridot: I've surmised that the book placed the Gems in their respective chapters because it related specifically to them. I wonder why. Is it trying to file them into a category? Giving them a task to complete? Or just toying with them?
  • Steven: Do you have any idea why it didn't capture Connie or me?
  • Lapis: Well, you're the first Gem-human hybrid to exist, Steven. And Connie, who knows if it's ever seen a human before. Maybe it didn't know what to do with you.
  • Steven: Hi Lion! Who's my favorite boy?
  • Lion: Zzz...
  • Sadie: Uh, hey.
  • Steven: Sadie, have you seen anything that looks like a page fly by here?
  • Sadie: Page? Like from a book?
  • Steven: Yeah, I know it sounds weird--
  • Sadie: What's weird is that I actually have.
  • Steven: Really?!
  • Sadie: I thought it was maybe an old Beach-a-Palooza flyer something, blowing in the wind. It seemed to be flying toward the north side, of the beach somewhere. I obviously didn't follow it.
  • Steven: Sadie, you're amazing! Thanks!
  • Sadie: Uhh... don't mention it.
  • Steven: Connie, look! Monster prints! Maybe Ronaldo was actually onto something.
  • Connie: Look, Steven, there are some leaves in the prints. These leaves aren't natural to anything that grows on the beach.
  • Steven: Oh! Maybe the monster lives in the woods!
  • Connie: Good thinking, Steven! We should search the woods for more clues!
  • Garnet: ...!
  • (Steven and Connie arrives)
  • Connie: Garnet! Thank goodness we found you!
  • Garnet: It was very dangerous for you to follow me here.
  • Steven: Look we're just gonna let you get eaten by a book!
  • Garnet: Alright. Let's go.
  • Steven: Those rocks are blocking the path.
  • Garnet: Leave it to me. ...There. ...!
  • Steven: The Rubies! Eyeball!
  • Connie: You've met them before?
  • Steven: Yeah, uh, we beat them at baseball and sent them to Neptune.
  • Connie: You... what?
  • Garnet:
  • Steven: What is it, Garnet? Future Vision?
  • Garnet: ...Past. A memory this old...those Rubies should match. But their uniforms are all different.
  • Connie: Is it possible the book is using your memories to change how these events unfold, Garnet?
  • Garnet: ...Perhaps.
  • Ruby (Doc): Rubies! Fall in!
  • Ruby (Navy): Wow, what a lovely desert!
  • Ruby (Eyeball): Grrr...I HATE this planet! There's sand in my SHORTS!
  • Ruby (Army): Yeah, stupid Earth! Be dirt or be water, not both!
  • Ruby (Doc): Quiet! We're here for the mission, remember?!
  • Ruby (Leggy): Yes, Ruby. What is our... objective...again?
  • Ruby (Doc): Our mission is the extraction of the sensitive data from the facility below! We must not allow it to fall into rebel hands.
  • Ruby (Doc): That sounds dangerous...
  • Ruby (Army): Pft! I hope IS dangerous!
  • Ruby (Doc): Well it, will be!
  • Ruby (Army): GOOD! Danger!
  • Ruby (Doc): Alright platoon, into the faciltiy!
  • Connie: Those Rubies... The Book recorded them here? Why?
  • Garnet: We should follow them. Let's go.
  • Steven: Huh? Where'd the rubies go?
  • Garnet: Let's explore the facility. Stay close.
  • Steven: Whoa...
  • Garnet: It's a Gem Tech machine. it appears to be... ancient.
  • Connie: I don't think it's working anymore.
  • Garnet: It's a Gem Tech machine. It's no longer appears to be functioning. There. That machine appears to still to be functioning.
  • Connie: Whoa. What are those?
  • Garnet: Gem Tech timed explosives. I believe this machine just activated them throughout the whole facility.
  • Steven: Hey Garnet, do you think you can pick them up and throw them?
  • Garnet: Of course. ...They didn't!
  • Steven: What?
  • Garnet: I know what this place is. I understand now. These machines, they... They took Gems condemned to be shattered, and they... They made them...! They force them! That isn't fusion! It isn't fair! HOW COULD THEY!
  • Steven: Garnet! Be careful, you're gonna split up!
  • Connie: Please, Connie, we need you!
  • Garnet: They were force to fuse... Forced to fight! We aren't like that!
  • Steven: That's right! You aren't like that! We know what Fusion is meant to be! It's about... Love! And we love you, Garnet!
  • Garnet: Steven, Connie. That was a facility for... fusion experiments.
  • Steven: is that why the book brought you here? Because you're a Fusion?
  • Garnet: We're going to find out. Thank you both. Let's get moving. ...! Hide!
  • (Steven, Garnet and Connie are hiding)
  • Ruby (Doc): Okay, beyond this door is the reactor. Let's grab the data and get the heck outta here!
  • Ruby (Leggy): This place gives me the willies!
  • Ruby (Navy): What's a willy?
  • Ruby (Doc): Everyone focus! I don't know what a willy is either but it's certainly not the mission objective. Everyone inside, and eyes open! Err, however...many happen to have. *Ahem."
  • Ruby (Eyeball): *Grr.*
  • Ruby (Doc): Alright, I've got the data! Mission complete!
  • Ruby (Navy): Yay!
  • Ruby (Army): Hey! Who are they?
  • Ruby (Eyeball): Intruders! They're here to sabotage the mission!
  • Ruby (Leggy): Uh-oh... They've seen our top security facility.
  • Ruby (Doc): ...And we have very specific orders: no witnesses! Rubies, together now!
  • (Rubies fuse into Ruby Fusion)
  • Ruby Fusion: Fusion time! UGH! My personal space! Stop touching me! Quit complaining! We're more powerful this way! Now let's take care of these interlopers!
  • Steven: Huh? Where did they go?
  • Connie: I don't see their Gems anymore.
  • Garnet: An illusion.
  • Steven: Was this memory ever real?
  • Garnet: Parts of it could be. A path never walked, or half-remembred. I have seen many futures appear and disappear. But this... Steven... It's for reasons like this that I fought... why your mother fought.
  • Steven: To be free from Homeworld?
  • Garnet: Yes. Thank you both for reminding me what's real.
  • Steven: *gasp* Is it love?
  • Garnet: Heh. Always. Alright. Let's go home.
  • Peridot: Garnet, welcome back.
  • Lapis: What happened?
  • Garnet: It was a ward, a place for fusion experimentation on Earth. If Steven and Connie hadn't rescued me, I might still be in that horrible place.
  • Connie: Glad to have you back, Garnet! Hm, is this Ronaldo's monster nest?
  • Steven: Look! Donuts! I guess it likes them!
  • Connie: Donuts? Out here? Hm...Maybe it's getting them from town? We should look around in Beach City.
  • Steven: Good thinking Connie! All this talk of donuts is making me hungry... for donuts!
  • Sadie: Oh, right... That. Someone should probably clean that up.
  • Steven: Sadie! Did you see that creature that did this?
  • Sadie: No, but it looks like whatever it was took off towards the beach.
  • Connie: The beach! I bet that's where the monster is! Let's follow the trail!
  • Peedee: Steven! Connie! Thank goodness! This is all my fault! I planned all this for my brother Ronaldo to find.
  • Connie: Peedee?! You put those monster clues all over the city?
  • Peedee: Yeah... Ronaldo's been pretty depressed lately. He really misses his girlfriend Jane. I was just trying to bring him out of his funk, he's happier when he's blogging, so I was trying to help. I placed the clues around town and was going to place the final one here, but then I got trapped.
  • Steven: Ronaldo's been worried sick, but he'll relieved to know that you're okay!
  • Peedee: Thanks! I'll go find him. You should come by later!
  • Steven: Amethyst! Are you okay?
  • Amethyst: Uh, duh. Why wouldn't I be?
  • Connie: Because the book swallowed you and put into this page!
  • Amethyst: Oh, *that's* what happened? Alright, so where's the exit?
  • Connie: You don't understand! The book has trapped you here and you can't leave until we see what it wants to show you!
  • Amethyst: So, I'm stuck here? Figures. Stupid books.
  • Steven: Don't worry, we're going to help.
  • Amethyst: Well what are we waiting for/ Let's get this show on the road!
  • Connie: Oh no, this gap is huge... How will we get across?
  • Amethyst: No sweat, C-dog! Check this out!
  • Steven: Block puzzles? Why'd it have to be block puzzles?
  • Amethyst: Hold up, I think we can move them around...
  • Connie: Is this one of the beacons? Why should try activating it.
  • Steven: One beacon activated, let's find the other two! Whoa, look at the size of that one! ...Echoooo!
  • Amethyst: This place seems...familiar...
  • Connie: Guys... What are those?
  • Steven: Wait a minute... Is this...?
  • Amethyst: It's a Kingdergarten!
  • Connie: What was that?
  • Steven: What's gotten into her?
  • Amethyst: Come on!
  • Jasper (Eyeball): Inferior runts! Only the strongest! What are you waiting for? Gather them for shattering!
  • Amethyst Guard: Yes, Jasper!
  • Steven: She's destroying the gems here... The smaller ones... Wait, how is that possible? Oh no, I can't remember!
  • Connie: Yeah, this place It's making my head fuzzy.
  • Amethyst: Aggh! Who cares! Let's go after her!
  • Amethyst Guard: Commander, we've had a report of encounters with a small group of unknown quartz. While especially ...puny... they seem to defeated some of our forces in combat.
  • Jasper (Eyeball): What? Unacceptable, find them!
  • Amethyst Guard: Master, the quartz intruders still remain at large.
  • Jasper (Eyeball): Ugh! Worthless! Find them, now!
  • Amethyst: Hey! Right here you big bully!
  • Jasper (Eyeball): You... You're even more pitful than the rest!
  • Amethyst: And I've seen blimps smaller than you, jumbo!
  • Jasper (Eyeball): Inferior little whelp, I will enjoy shattering you.
  • Amethyst: Try it! Careful though, wouldn't want you to lose the other eye!
  • Steven: Wait... Her eye! Jasper...her gem is on her nose!
  • Connie: I remember now, too! Is this place messing with us?
  • Jasper (Eyeball): Enough! I will not tolerate such insolence in my kindergarten! I'll shatter you!
  • Amethyst: Come get some if you think you're so superior!
  • Steven: is everyone *whew* ...okay? Yeah, I'm okay. But, Jasper...I remember now.
  • Amethyst: I... I knew. I guess I did the whole time. I knew it couldn't *really* be Jasper. I just...really wanted to believe that it was. I guess, deep down, I just wanted to prove that she had no power over me.
  • Steven: She doesn't, Amethyst. She never will.
  • Amethyst: You guys rock! I couldn't have done with without you! Now let's blow this donut stand. Speaking of which, I'm starving!
  • Lapis: Amethyst! You're back!
  • Peridot: What happened in there?
  • Amethyst: There was a Jasper. In a kingdergarten. She was...shattering gems she thought were inferior.
  • Lapis: I see.
  • Amethyst: No sweat. We took care of. And honestly, I wasn't that impressed. Just like the real Jasper: all talk.
  • Peridot: Finally! Well done, you've rescued all my loyal Crystal Gem sidekicks!
  • Pearl: Sidekicks?
  • Greg: Whoa. Way to go, kiddo!
  • Steven: Thanks Dad! So what?
  • Peridot: There appears to be something remaining within the book, a source of concentrated power...
  • Steven: Hmm. Hey, that reminds me! There's a huge tree inside the book we've come across. Right, Connie?
  • Connie: Right! But there's a big locked door in front of it.
  • Steven: And it connects to areas inside the other three chapters!
  • Lapis: Hmm. A tree? It sounds like this tree is the source of the book's power.
  • Pearl: I think we'll need to find the method to unlock the door within the other three chapters. You'll need to unlock each of them... to...
  • Steven: Lion?
  • Garnet: Greg! Look out!
  • Greg: What the...? Who are you?!
  • Fable: Come, Greg, I've got something to show you.
  • Steven: Dad! Not again!
  • Lapis: Steven, who was that?!
  • Connie: I think we've seen her... inside the book. But where's Lion?!
  • Amethyst: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get him! It should be a cinch now that we're all back together.
  • Steven: Oh no, Dad... Lion... What do you think she took him?
  • Connie: The tree. It has to be.
  • Lapis: Find the mechanisms to unlock the door in the other chapters. They should look like beacons. You might have even encountered them already.
  • Steven: Got it. Hang on, dad! Shoot. It's locked.
  • Ronaldo: Peedee came by after you found him and explained what happened. HA HA HA, so funny, right?
  • Peedee: Thanks again!
  • Ronaldo: But you did help him get out of there, so I guess I still owe you. Here, take this. It's from my personal collection. I've got some werewhale blog posts to take down. What a shame.
  • Steven: Two beacons activated, one more to go!
  • Mayor Dewey: You've found them all? Good! You're probably expecting a reward... But doing your civic duty is reward in itself.
  • Connie: That hardly seems like fair compensation!
  • Mayor Dewey: Oh, fine. Here you go, take this.
  • Steven: Cool! Thanks, Mr. Mayor!
  • Lars: Have you found any more Crying Breakfast Friends?
  • Steven: Here you go, Lars! We got 'em all.
  • Lars: Oh my gosh! Sweet! Thanks, you two! Now I have to figure out where to hide them, so that no one knows...
  • Connie: Why? That's no fun.
  • Steven: Yeah, just be yourself! You like a kids show, who cares? Kids shows are awesome!
  • Lars: I dunno. I'm just not ready yet. Anyways, here take this thing I found. It's weirding me out anyways.
  • Garnet: We must return to the tree to rescue Greg!
  • Steven: That's the last beacon, we should go check the mysterious tree! Dad! Where are you?!
  • Connie: We'll find him. Come on!
  • Fable: We... are the Crystal... Gems...
  • Steven: It's you again! Who are you? Where's my dad?
  • Fable: Steven... I'm so glad... We can finally be together. All of us.
  • Steven: Stop! Wait! Dad!
  • Greg: Steven!
  • Steven: Dad, are you alright?
  • Greg: Steven! We have to get out of here! Before she comes back!
  • Fable: It's been so long since I've had someone new. It was dark for so long. We will such fun together. Steven, Connie, The Crystal Gems...and me!
  • Steven: Huh? What?
  • Connie: You're... You're the Book, aren't you?
  • Fable: Connie, so clever! But I prefer to be called Fable, if you don't mind. I've never played with humans before, I quite like them. I will write so many pages for us. How exciting! What would you make us happy? A page where your mother still lives?
  • Steven: No... No, you can't do that. It won't be real...
  • Fable: Oh, Steven... Is this not real? You haven't even noticed.
  • Steven: Fable, wait! Noticed what?
  • Connie: Oh no...Steven, we have to get out of here! We have to get back to everyone!
  • Steven: Guys! We got him!
  • Peridot: Greg! You didn't die!
  • Greg: Man, that was nuts! Thanks for getting me out of there, guys.
  • Steven: We saw her again...whoever it was that took dad!
  • Lapis: Steven, what is she?
  • Steven: She said her name is Fable! I think she *is* the Book! Whatever's controlling it, the person inside it!
  • Peridot: Person? How perculiar... I never considered that the book could materialize a thoughtform or a quasi-physical expression of self... Gah! Stay away!
  • Connie: It's her!
  • Fable: Hello again, friends!
  • Steven: You! What do you want with my Lion?!
  • Fable: I posed as your Lion. To watch you, and to aim you where I needed you to go.
  • Pearl: How... How are you out of the book?
  • Fable: Ah, Connie has an answer for that, don't you? She's the only one who's figured it out. Go on, tell them.
  • Connie: ... We're inside the book. We have been the whole time.
  • Fable: I wrote a chapter for us and everyone in Beach City, where we can be all together, forever!
  • Steven: Huh? We're...inside the book?
  • Fable: I know how much you crave adventure, Steven. It was too much to resist, wasn't it? The threat of your friends in danger, your father taken.
  • Peridot: There's no way. You won't get away with this! Nobody sucks me into a book WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!
  • Steven: Fable, you have to let us go!
  • Fable: No, no. You can't go now, things are just getting interesting!
  • Steven: We'll find a way to stop you!
  • Fable: Oh, are you displeased with our stories? I'm sorry, perhaps some revisions then... Oh, I can't wait to get started! Farewell for now, friends!
  • Steven: What do we do? We have to find a way out, a way to stop this!
  • Peridot: If there was a way to activate the Book, there must be a way to deactive it.
  • Greg: The tree.
  • Steven: Huh?
  • Greg: When I was inside the book, in the tree, I saw her come out of a room, past where I was kept. I think it's where she lives!
  • Steven: Then we go back. We have to stop her. Fable!
  • Fable: Steven, you shouldn't be here!
  • Steven: I'm sorry but you have to let us go!
  • Fable: I've been so alone... But I've written a special page, just for us, where we don't have to hurt anymore. You'll see.
  • Steven: Stop! You don't have to stop!
  • Fable: Stop?! Is that why you've come here? I thought we were friends?! No! I won't let you leave me! I tried to give you everything. We can't you see that?! I thought we were friends!
  • Steven: Stop!
  • Fable: Steven... Why?
  • Steven: I'm-I'm sorry you've been alone! We never wanted to hurt you. But you can't force us to stay here!
  • Fable: I was a prisoner for so long... but I never should have forced you into the same fate.
  • Steven: There's got to be some way... What if... What if write inside your pages? We could tell you all about our adventures! You've been stuck reviling the same darks stories over and over. It's time for you to make some new memories. Some happy ones!
  • Connie: Yeah! Me too! We have so many stories that we could share with you! You'll no longer have to be alone!
  • Fable: You''d do that? After what I've done? The danger I've put you in?
  • Steven: A good book is always worth coming back to.
  • Fable: Really?
  • Steven: I promise.
  • Fable: I... Thank you, Steven.
  • Steven: It's the right thing to do. And you know what? That's what a Crystal Gem does.
  • Fable: A Crystal Gem...
  • (Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet arrives)
  • Steven: Dear Fable... Today was AWESOME!

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The Phantom Fable/Transcript (2025)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.