The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)

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The Asheville Timesi

Asheville, North Carolina

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TW AitartU (N C) Timsv Temlsr Pe 33 9t REAL ESTATE AUTOS OR SALE OR RENT MONEY TO LOAN OR RENT aaovx park: to Ufa mMt mum Itaawiw on Mm rocsaieDtal 3 1101 mr i HoasebaU Goods peep! hem awrettr eervtoe Rxott Wat food ItewiMe veto MM Apartment itayer sad rod Mr Anoo mM1 ANNOUNCEMENT' Renshaw DtottoJ 443 Mia BM SCHOOLS instr: 1 Ml Beedenwrtto res for PERSONAL MASSEURS Musical Imtnancnt POSITION WANTED rm 140 PIANO SPECIALS hath 1 service I Wi to Unfurnished Apartment rnu mt PHI MTM Blrt OR RENT Pets Dvestock Dial Crossword Puzzle Answer to Previous Puzzle NobelWinner 33to Dial MM dhrUiauui CodterK i urnished Room Classified Display ff installment if MOVING 7 tt Twufefr tea Ml ST M334 aaytito rc6 r'a mtctcbk T1 WT iTir LOANS rrrni SOMT sttvici "Aowing grading landscaping ditehtna rtttt water eep BANK IATCS gioal toto OOM (150is130 ACROSS 1 Winner ci 1953 Nobel Prize for literature ear bath EXPERIENCED Banner wrap fixer for second or third shift APPLY Personnel Office Sil ver Knit Hosiery Mills Inc 401' Hamilton St High Point AUTOSORSALE Joys bl with rood (tear else BARRlAOn auto glass co mmuh latloo auto gtooe for ont 1 rostra Dial 1 rm BINaur to at Bowtaalde tMKWMgLjlLX MJULUS URL ON Mooettnei Dial CM TRUCKS OR SALE rcrKnssflfioS I hop CtostM ctoaraso sal wta IM Blit mm OR UA81 Wttl tpUto Btoeked with IMS arm Trout and aS ouetp total with al toaMaoat on teMlitul MUSIC HOUSE1 PATTON an BUL mm (MV MR good Custom MH New Urao overdrtv RAH WW HUB CltotoU 28 Two whe vehicle 17 Esker meats ran 144tomss KaWeKKisspsssTd MV Ruth O'Sbaugbaoaey I Baps Um Dial 33 THE BEST that money cast bay in commercial equipmstot at the very easiest term ULI I BMUH IanuaaG3aai3QLi naoiaaQiJciHaanaanapaiinaaoasHQQuuuauaeMH BQaQBQEiQaWUUEi nuansrjtoauauLiu BauDOTBDEiaiian Qat3BSC)DOULICl(3(3CiitourncjaEjnastoatoaaitHaaaaDQ Qnctuaaarau uuaBuaaanuawLj uuaa I uuau mdq vtn rarorte you Cd! for ppfct total Kxchxln Mr Tom Rowland Jr Realtor 31 WALL ST DIAL M4M sriSaVdvn iiHtoini Cbw tradt too papal Dial 11 1U CHIVROUT Moor 1IM CHKVHOLST Moor rv 1HT BOWTtAC Maar 1951 nrriRMATL piekap Irwi IM TARM ntr itsn winn 4 daap a ntee ane Sorrells Swann Motor Co US is ML wart af Artavina Al caadter Dial tola IM Darr Maat Cavrt irtalwr XMai fMMt 0Qt4 OrtJiiilb''i'io jlrva fa Ul aM Ca it Cortnrla ratrlaraa tow Roata 1 Caadter BaUdoMr And r4ia Lost cxperiaaea Exeallaat aparatar Dial fjtol or 1 1X4 Walter Ateaaadar iaa raato an abctrta Zitehaa bardvao flaan plaater wall Autocall a rwnaaa Inaalate aa saw Vrpn aata It StrooL Dtel Pr Jam Uta MERRlMON ST9M AdalteT UTt Television and Radio Technician Repair work only No installa tions Top pay to man with ability to produce Paid vaca tion ree Insurance Only experienced need apply See Mr Drake or Mr Cameron Between 8 and 10 morning WACHOVIA IM ANO TRUST COMMirr Xlktiea wttk tola af aablna Rao towar raaaa Baar WraaaM aa toll aartalr MaMa taaa aa aUM la kaaa OM Trt aoter Cott Mtf ayi toarla PIU Thrash Refgn ixture 563 airview Rd Dial 3 529 1 Nit 240174947 Churchill 7 He was British Prima Minister during the World War 13 Pona a notion it He is a renown CHIROPRACTORS eroft at Hilliard Dtel 3 mi OR RA irocaiv kaiipaaa itet rtaek tad (titan lav raaL utra aa loeatlato (o kaalam Mart mU aa ae casai afakaeu win Mcrtflca far aKi Mfa hwi Baai Laa ''Cnaton of Baasltfal JAMES DUCKWORTH Suva Haar Taahateal CQUXO AT MARKIT ST DIAL mT State as Paars teaaan las ratant PadaraJ aaetel Mwartty tat state ted PMarU aaatoylarwaat tai ntsrna Dial BiCEM'ISRAtXY alca aa 1 todnn apt UttUtiM fara Sto to ISS yewHss Apply Pnakfia Crrtk attara aa Atotobaam AptHaM I Bllf or Svtatrt IS toka toOPtto paytat alas CEKnW contracting painh ing carpentry and maaonry work ree estimates Up to 36 months to pay 3 3741 3 4446 $10 to $100 Personal Auto urniture CITIZENS INANCE UQ 11 qroacu st pul mi BOOTH CO 14 CHURCH rr maltqm LaAoM Mteetvea if tiUpbaaawnph iwardt tar HM Afaa mrT al awdrt Mt Basu Oaa apartHn aaa drtfatL dM ta slay racm MmU Ca II Minor Avepaa klaeli' teach ATTRACnVI Locate Wunnffia 4 txira lart roam nra aa aad tra o4L rier riahl KORSAN vr rattrant nay fly ppr 01 BUI at Athryff! eldrtt CA A tpprydchoal Prtrtt pilot Mmmercial pllat null! rnxtp tattnetor eoana hpat writ or tea it I McMurrty IA a Airport PEACHR if trrtettftto CtactaMbd Coaieryttary 1 Marta ChUdrw aa tsi aaaary raaf aaaUas aaistts Call ern aayUBi baRPCrirRY biocryEjm'inUn an? dd job Arden hnLLbOKXR nt footlnsA rlclturl SIMMs Headman and Darli 3 13 30 eminineUfflx 31 ETct 37 ills tojilt 33 Mor Heid (tianate ra uUaaM Dial ISM Moody fc "CAjtfltifflUi Rtoeilnthaoe faytHat klaekt nortn chlawey npatr eoaente Dial kSMS aVW to Ssirssrssjr 7otarr'ly? Roa aft Spook Branch ttto traoa aa aorrtv taallrt ctewl (padmodern tltebaa rtav aa nlrisarator faroUbe iryptec UUUtia fwralAb 6 roopiJafumlrted apartaveot vitli print! at and entrpae Newly Scs rate Heat raonabl Dial T13 RDOMS batliT'priyat ntranca bai and wtter ftirpfah Ad pit Dial ANNANDAtS AARTifXNTS 3 roonn nr ntabed or uofurnlabad Apply 3 snnaa dale Dial 3 1 HELP WANTED MALE Santa Delivers Little Baby Girl BELLVILLE Tex (M Ruth El len Haak when she grows up can ten the other kids that it was Santa Claus nd stork Who brought her Dr Roensch was making dr rufi yesterday with Santa Claus ault he plans to wear for his red haired grand daughter a few night hence Mrs Roensch helped hkn get It just right with pink cotton and pillows for about 45 minute Then th phone rang gency doctor the prospective moth er already lain the delivery an i th voice on tne ceiepnone That how Santa Claus deliver ed Ruth Ellen daughtei of Mr and Mrs Alfred Haak of nearby Brook shire nmNACXB 'ANO B1ATBRS Asheville Oil Burner Service 1 DIAL 3 TS13 aluminum Houarnunx Brita5 Se opporite 8teny Mtn Motel Blgbwpy North of HrodcrMartU Xteclrteity tvtilpfcl thn A Laete tell rtf Abvin 8prtnlmT Hirb wty rte MJM met toeaUos eU at Dpten Oroetry Start Min Bprtat tad fleer VHemi Office Wot Aahevtn Office Blttmn Office Karth Office DUly Btosly abpm Co'lrt mr4 PCI tn ree Service Tire Appliance Co 62 64 Broadway ms txas thu rvtn nn mm Special RMtra 1 CH 9 iw Uw mam Owrttnty Bwdsw 1 Manty mki Mr KK1CXXRBOCKXR AARTMIXTS CteM fa Roota prtywte Mtfa ptovty ba ter hL Dial 3 tW BILtMOlUL iMH yaSaT 131 iivatf Adtilte aU CaUMto 3 tod Honey Cntk Coetrir rttiPW IW AWXN SIXNILS ma HS CaB Maal 4334 wyswruw kVLL top '(piu 13 tis'ptl 3 dlSL 19 Irritate 16 Color 17 Dine 13 Kind 20 Stitch eign 25 Tally keeper 23Trdpr 32 Garden spot in a desert 13 Rugged mountain crest 34Vetige 35 Lariat 36 River i 33 More tucdnel SlSlhopen 41 Theatrical sign 44 Male child 45 Entangle 4lloctrines1 Alleviatibn Everlasting (poet) 55 Makes Inta law MHe world esteem fr tefarmathm writ Box 1S4 Acberljl Akohciley Aaonymea KXAR AIbterl Duptea I rmcb TMl tMte kL wry attrartiy tpterter RhwriH wa yvt NCW XtodrsMi koasslow tt pal UylB rOto aodeta kltehw Oil beat Aitecbtd ara llOto Ttna Mt tt Wayrylll HlbJ tCV mob Rd tt Walter Bpriakfa BROWN aui MTAT' DIAL OR Itol iHtdbM hoaitMt1 apteld CliyTteS daws payment lerm ha 144 BU trad Rodaipb or 00 Wrt Atbylll JJi! SM f51ORD Sdwr! teiha eoadltien already flpaneed piali vav teent ao attain tolane Dtl 43 141 Ctorrotet 4 door beta A lchipical eopdittea atw tlrt arv patpt Bacrifte ft ab tt win DadDini4 A hlAL Chritirnit loor fill Lincoln Cmmopoltun with hedramatl aad electric window Only 3S00 tntlb owper Thto hinrtan tar eaa be boutht for at Util totar of th thpit tt upm ar teodtl CaA flnanc Dial 3 33 Convalescents MrroUMiian nmlfaal tea gradaat wart 4 kvwM Ortva nr mmp Dirt ITU with lb rtrUrp ya VI 334 iiAtfifirar Ckip Many ntnt a fin ear rirttely ovad Stcriflc T4M i4t Slol 8trt Wt AehevtUa te'g te itei! I to' WANTED loo and arnnAo awvt ya vatoat poplar cherry tot Maple ak whit pta North Carolina ata aa Umber a Knevle Lute tor Ow Offic Bai 114 BUtmer Dial KU 43 Heavy blow 45 Magistrate's stall 48 Thing! done 47 Trial 43 Assam silkworm 10 Powerful explosive S3 Individual S3 Race course circuit KSirmBOCkrHARTMlJTS eUte in 3 ream totb 3r flear Mt Dial 3 3 $700 per week Newly Decorated EARLE HOTEL 49 BILTMORE AVE itiWilALA fcdrrxf 4x 'BUT Claaa raoms private an MaU prteat batha plenty not water MSB dalm33 denble Piel 11 ObMtovaa la toerwee Mr OKNkkAL repair work fan er pm3 )oto rte tinate Dial 1830 OR carpentry la bleek: reel ebimsev revalrka Dial 43 1 fleer Near ee tt tnr ifartt awath Can Xint MSM ar StiL Kddbrof fsm an tola JM an modrra nM beak Lane par dc Dial M4M ouun EMALE WftSfAit to keep hoax can far fva children aa 1 Stay on place Dial rr ms AVON PHObUCT me effan CccapeUan with fee pay Opeaiac to AihevtDe Tryeo fclada lart lat Rack Rutherfordton and Mamatoa Oteea aa Haw Cmk or interview write (tirtrirt maaaer Box (Itt Otero Branch aahevdiM HOUSKIXIR AtttndaiiL for ntt old widow Na eblcctMa to MUd 8tat ae hyaieel enditle aa rrf rrtneet tn reply Oaa Mme an mB baiary waK cMmmia WAtfito'Liltttlaa to teinm kflekro'aa ttoln roote of print hmpita! to local ity AahertD rfr pn vW amteaa wfaa eaa to aa premia Writ HEATER BARGAINS tat WATT RaOMtae Wf Besabs Special ite lite WATT Alr Paa Binfar HUpa(M Prtee 1P 148 WATT RaMtoto Btorter vB fa llPftCTAXlca er aa water Un tautaDM Dial 1MI Maha pUe TgufrrrT ONLY 2 LET trsxD bicyclx Oo cmstti Reatcnabte prie ASHEVILLE HARNESS CO si MAUXT DULM1N By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (APl Thl may come as a surprise to Dragnet fan but Jm riday's sidekick made hlS movie debut as Cupid tn 1914 This Is one of the facts I uncovered in an grilling of Sgt rank Smith known to hit friend and movie fans with mem ories ns Ben Alexander Ben the rotund easy going partner ta crime detecting with Jack Webb is a reluctant actor at this palm ta his career After all look how long ago he started was born ta Goldfield Nev where my father had gone on a mining venture" Ben recounted there we went to Han ford Calif where we lived ta a hotel My mother heard they were making movies ta Hollywood so ahe wrote some studios about job possibilities They said there was plenty of work so she and I packed up and came down here lived on the comer of Hollywood and Vine and the studio was just a block away I had my first business venture there sell ing lemonade in front of an orange grove across the street i first picture was dHly called Pearl a Tear? it starred anny Ward and Lou Tellegen and I played Cupid' They gave me a ribbon for a costume and strung me otf wire Every time stars looked at each I flew In and shot them is with an Ji Budding career boomed aiier mar rus nair was xept long so he could play boy or girl roles During the 20s he starred in the series His best remem bered role was In Quiet on the WMtern ta 1930 Uni versal wanted to sign him up but the director advised him to hold out until the picture was released "When the picture came out all looked the same In theGerman he sighed didn't Universal aign dm I i work' for a i' Ben 'quit films ln hit story' on how it happened: being a wholesome boy on the screen for years I rxlden ly got cast aa a heavy The last one I did was a lulu called Mother In that one Alice Brady beat me to death with a curling iron for attacking Maureen livan Tvs always been 'friends with Lew Ayres Once his kid sister 4 was visiting him from San Diego" When I walked Into the room she took one look and started scream tag I decided that was the end of my movie career I stepnside a studio for 17 years 1 Ben booked up with radio as an announcer sod got a degree in business at Stanford With time out for aircraft carrier duty tathe Pacific he rose to become one of the best emcees of audience participation shows became the pet of the housewives A couple of years ago he re marked to a radio Cliff Arquette that he had two ambi tions One was to do a role in the Dragnet TV series He can't re member now what the other one was Arquette relayed the remark to Jack Webb who sent for Alex ander Ben expected to play a heavy but it turned out Webb was seektag a new partner AH the other he had tested had been eager young actors who expected to use Dragnet as a steppingstone to their own shows Ben eager He had had his fill of the movie business Besides he had some gas stations and a motel here and a boat ta San rancisco Bay He wax in trigued with the hotej business and was negotiating for a hotel ta Bauselito across the bay from San rancisco But he signed up with Dragnet and has been solving crimes ta the quiet Webb manner ever since lU ORD plck ro tirek ifl tea mttel to rouipto fat pullin traitor Caa to area at 1 Vnll A Dial 4W Han Itoawoakl rat Traiat rtv Dial Wt MOV yr toiaa iraltora Looal or log dlrttnt Cartlrirr Dial434 iMAtlftd aatoltorabS toaaUtaL a vuriblt tt warm aaoaaaalaaL a bandy maabto Dor '44 Mafaito bom Dal tola Mia ttote aro Ate Mitral late bm aaa iotae SupoU A Smith Merrtatete llayteto to MISS i RroiiVa rLbtto SALE NOTICE openings for two Supervisor Trainee to fill permanent position with National concern Position to be filled immediately Com plete training course with guaranteed salary from $5000 while training Men selected for these positions will be permanently located in Ashe ville Phone Mr Cofer 2 4414 for appointment any morning 9 through Ila m' WANTED john to lay nigj Apply Linen Room Battery Park Hofei No Phone call please 2 OPENINGS IN OCR Baa aa Same Droartarot Opportunity la rtart al 13 4 tot Aik Mr Womble or Mr BarMtt in UtTh Car OR OUTBIDS tale rt Rrote rrtat txprrlroe hrtpfgL Dial li "REALESTATE RD BUDt UTI into to uu av to to Mta to an Dtir win tk mr Bat at 9caM Mrtstc toa a aa tort tote aynatat REX SMATHERS REALTY MUSIC OR TOUR Holiday Daacc and Parti PbBt 3 151 tnr a I AM APPLYING to tba ABC Boarl for a on Prtrala Ber pamlt tar 4 Cot At Lnr Wtlaog WaNTD experienced colored maids with health card Ap ply Housekeeper 1 1 er Park Hotel No Phohe call natron bon torortterv Salary UtM mt menth Bln Write Joha Vaster AtetnMw aafewto Union MWa yaplayw Writ Box SJ7 Ctlfato Ttato X34 opeeiaj Cold Wee oe pil Cna Wat gS 0thr 3 a aa iie SoUDAT i' AaherUto toaity Aeadttey 13 Vte Baakla Area Tie In Tokyo On Way To i toiNarTHAS au kiato duirtte tteton Anytbta neral iaa Opro toad ya ntt Cbrtetaia Pr totr rry pkl 1X OAM RUBBER Just ro ceived a large shipment of cushion and auto seat top per in second Useful for many things $100 per pound BRADORD BEDDING CO 1 OTXIX HIOirWAV PUL 7Ig UVsLV "eiMk ab bGST la wiato atltian call Mr rraatia ING th Television tineas Entire stock of our famous name brand new factory guaranteed Television set being offered at whois' sale cost and below All ebop equipment and supplies for sale Pearlman a 56 Hay wood St Dial 569 BUSINESSOPPORJ aa rooa htn'ta Wwt AArrtO tat tVtor Br4ay va plaa Th Storo 4 UV woo torL aBrantairito 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The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina (2024)


What is the white population of Asheville North Carolina? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American9,73510.39%
Two or more races4,5344.84%
Other race1,6741.79%
3 more rows

Why is Asheville NC so expensive? ›

Popularity as a tourist destination: Asheville is a popular tourist destination, which drives up the demand for housing, both for primary residences and vacation rentals. Low inventory and high demand lead to higher prices.

Why is Asheville so popular? ›

Known as an art colony, a healing resort and a home to notable luminaries, statesmen and bohemians, Asheville is one of the most welcoming, vibrant cities in America. It's that type of unique, special place that lingers sweetly in your mind and memories for years to come.

Who is the richest person in Asheville North Carolina? ›

James Howard Goodnight (born January 6, 1943) is an American billionaire businessman and software developer. He has been the CEO of SAS since 1976, which he co-founded that year with other faculty members of North Carolina State University.

Do any celebrities live in Asheville, North Carolina? ›

Steve Martin, resides part of the year in nearby Brevard, NC and comes to Asheville to record music with his band Steep Canyon Rangers. Andie McDowell, a model and actress who once lived in the Biltmore Forest neighborhood for many years in South Asheville.

Is Asheville Democrat or Republican? ›

It was traditionally anchored by the heavily Democratic city of Asheville, with the rest of the district being split between Democratic-leaning counties in the south and Republican-leaning counties in the north.

What is the whitest area in NC? ›

According to the most recent census data Oak Island ranks as the whitest. If you're wondering, Selma is the least white city of all those we measured.

Is Asheville growing or shrinking? ›

Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Asheville, NC grew from 93,272 to 93,695, a 0.454% increase and its median household income grew from $58,193 to $63,810, a 9.65% increase.

Where do the rich live in Asheville? ›

Downtown Asheville

With a median home price of $1,296,274 and a median rent of $481, Downtown Asheville is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in Downtown Asheville over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the neighborhoods in Asheville.

What are the cons of living in Asheville NC? ›

13 Pros and Cons of Moving to Asheville, NC: A Guide for Renters
  • Pro: Natural beauty. ...
  • Con: Tourist congestion. ...
  • Pro: Thriving arts scene. ...
  • Con: Limited job opportunities. ...
  • Pro: Craft beer capital. ...
  • Con: Seasonal weather extremes. ...
  • Pro: Foodie paradise. ...
  • Con: Cost of living.
May 7, 2024

What food is Asheville known for? ›

Cornbread and beans. Country ham and wild ramps. Apple butter and sorghum. The humble cuisine of the Mountain South offers spoonfuls of heart, soul—and flavor.

What are the issues in Asheville NC? ›

However, Asheville is also becoming synonymous with a few other things as of recent — violent crime, an exploding homeless crisis, and an affordability problem. For the purposes of this op-ed, we will focus on the violent crime and homeless crisis.

Why is Asheville called the Paris of the South? ›

The Art Deco buildings built during the boom were never torn down and replaced. Asheville is now considered to hold one of the best collections of 1920s-period architecture in the United States and has been given the nickname: the Paris of the South.

What famous family is in Asheville NC? ›

The Vanderbilt Family

Today, Biltmore House is a National Historic Landmark known as America's Largest Home®. Before it became one of North Carolina's most popular tourist destinations, it was simply “home” to the Vanderbilt family.

What iconic singer was born in Asheville, North Carolina? ›

Roberta Flack is an accomplished singer and songwriter who was born in Black Mountain. Her style of music usually falls under jazz, soul, R&B and folk.

What famous actress is from Asheville NC? ›

Helen Harmon was born on 21 February 1967 in Asheville, North Carolina, USA. She is an actress, known for Visions (1976) and Where the Lilies Bloom (1974). She has been married to Hassan Ismail since 19 November 1989.

What country star is from Asheville? ›

Luke Albert Combs (/koʊmz/; born March 2, 1990) is an American country singer. Born and raised in North Carolina, he began performing as a child. After dropping out of college to pursue a career in music, he moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where he released his debut EP, The Way She Rides, in 2014.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.